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Live from Louisiana


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Got a text from my taxidermy, that my buck was ready.
I like that barrel look.. Currently I have an issue with my latest bear shoulder mount.. Had a friend that mounted it for me and he must of used a cheap form as I noticed it was pulling off the wall. Further investigation showed wood in back was pulling out... WTF... So been looking into barrels to mount it on...


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I like that barrel look.. Currently I have an issue with my latest bear shoulder mount.. Had a friend that mounted it for me and he must of used a cheap form as I noticed it was pulling off the wall. Further investigation showed wood in back was pulling out... WTF... So been looking into barrels to mount it on...
Sounds like you need to look for new friends as well?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like you need to look for new friends as well?
Well let's just say he hunted with us in the past out in Illinois and wants to come back... Guess who decides who hunts Illinois??? Guess who's not hunting there... If the bear had a perfect coat I would have taken it elsewhere... It pissed me off to no end that he used a cheap form... Mount itself don't look bad... Worst thing is he knows I'm more than fussy...One other thing this is not Tod that does my deer.... He is my hunting buddy in Illinois...
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Junior Member
Never tried catching crawfish here to boil. I did watch a video on you tube with some hot chick trapping them was pretty neat.

I’ve also watched You tube videos on boils. It seems that every boil I’ve done I cant seem to get the spice in the craw fish well not that Cajun hot spice anyhow. I did see people used crab oil. I have never done that in boil. From what I see Zartans is the go to for spice . Everyone does it a little different some put lemons in start of boil some right before boil is done.

What’s the trick tho to get them spicy not nose dripping eye watering spicy just a step below that?

Yeah Chinese are shit for taste .


Ragin Cajun.
When boiling crawfish and crabs, you taste your boil and you want the water to taste a little bit spicer and saltier. When boiling shrimp you want your water to tastes the same as you want your shrimp to finish. Adding potatoes and boiling them first (preboiling) depending on the amount of them will soak up some of your seasoning. Not a big difference tho. All in all there is 100 different ways and recipes and they come out great. You need a system and boiling rates are different w different burners.


Ragin Cajun.
Did they find the lid to the other cooler?

Too be honest, it was the kids ice chest. They had a friend w one just like it brand new, the friend left some stank fish water in it and was gonna throw it away. My boys brought it home and a couple days soak w dawn and bleach did the trick. Easy come easy go.

I hate them type off chest because of the lids and hinges. I even put firehose hinges on them but idk what happened.
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