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Live from Louisiana


Ragin Cajun.
Well we got the last set of traps out of the sound. Headed back in to off load and head to the house to button up any loose ends. Haven’t gotten a recent update yet. Think we gonna be ok, I just have some PTSD from hurricane Katrina. Went from having everything one day to not having anything the next.I mean not a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I can’t explain the feelings I have. I’ve seen rock bottom and somehow managed to rebound. I don't live on the water anymore so that’s a blessing. I will report to keep yall updated. Say a prayer for us down here.


Ragin Cajun.
Well so far we are good and don’t expect anything bad happening. Looks like the storms path will pass west of Joe and my location and will pass west of my property up north. Still a strong cat 1. The worst of all this will come at dark through the morning.
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