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Live From the Stand 2017.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That small buck was just moseying around for the most part. He was scent checking the feeder that was 50 yards from me & I just happened to be in the middle. Nothing else was seen on the property. I had the ATV & corn in the truck to resupply my feeder for the winter while I was there. As I left, two big ass does ran across the road up ahead. I can't go out tonight, so maybe the weekend evenings, or not again til after Christmas. I check two cams & my scrapes are getting attention, but only does & small bucks that I've never seen before. A few of 'em only have one antler.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
I've been out all morn. Deer are everywhere. I've got a small 7 coming at me now. Seen maybe 16 so far. A few small bucks amongst 'em.

Was sitting in my stand reading this that night (20th) when 6 doe descended on me...another three were just west of them. Took the opportunity and landed a nice doe. So blessed to be able to donate her to the “Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry” program. If you don’t know about it, it’s a great cause where they’ll process (for no cost) and donate your deer to needy folks. Out hunting now hoping her big brother shows.


SW Ohio
Was sitting in my stand reading this that night (20th) when 6 doe descended on me...another three were just west of them. Took the opportunity and landed a nice doe. So blessed to be able to donate her to the “Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry” program. If you don’t know about it, it’s a great cause where they’ll process (for no cost) and donate your deer to needy folks. Out hunting now hoping her big brother shows.

Congrats on the doe & good for you for donating her to the hungry. Good stuff, man.