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LIVE from the stand 2018-19


Supporting Member
Ross County
2018-11-28 11.39.53.jpg

Okay, for the past three days I've seen a total of six deer.

  1. 2 - Bucks; one shooter @125 yards away opening day @dusk
  2. 1 - Unidentified @6:15 am @30 yards away on day II
  3. 1 - Buck & 2 - Does @8:00 approximately this morning.
That would equate to roughly .125 deer per hunter seen in the last three days hunting this property.

I'd estimate the I've seen a total of 48 hunters over the last two in a half days thus far.

Day II of the Gun Season and they already started doing deer drives on the entire property, and I'll bet by E.O.D. today, there shouldn't be a deer left on the property.

The good news is, being a local, I know exactly where they go to remain safe from the relentless 'Orange Army'.

Trust me in my assessment when I say, I have a highly educated deer herd around here.

Obviously, the hunting pressure went into maximum overdrive since Monday for the poor deer around here.

Now I'll have to get very creative and breakout my climber to go looking for them in the deepest parts of the woods in about a week or so.

I had to do this two season ago to get after my buck back then.


it is what it is...

BTW, there are two antlerless deer in the photograph above within 50 yards of me running away from the 'Orange Army Drive'.

The funny part is, the deer ran right by their parked trucks by within yards :LOL::ROFLMAO:

I've been getting a kick out of all this, watching what's going on.

Out of all of those out of state hunters, only one seen me over the past few days, and that was this morning when he practically walked into my tree :cautious:

I'll add,,, the number of shots or deer harvested are way down relatively speaking 'TOO'!


Supporting Member
Ross County
You're on public land, Denny?

750 acres of private property that butts up against public, but treated worse than most public land, imo.

I doubt that some of the stuff I've seen people do around here over the past three seasons, they'd be able to get away with it on public land I'll bet.

We've had some real winners let me tell ya, like last season when I seen a guy literally driving through the CRP fields with shooters in the back bed of his pickup,,, and that's just one example of many from previous years.

Trust me, the local authorities and the GW know me on a first name bases.

Between trespassers and just plain illegal shit going on, I've been told that our county is the worst of them all.

Now try to Imagine that...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Had a decent buck sneak in on me this morning that boogered slightly but still got him in my crosshairs for a minute to look him over before passing right around 7:20. Then saw 2.5 old buck dog a doe and another lone doe and small 6 right at 5:27. Had 3 of the 4 in my scope practicing my hold.😀


around Toledo
Saw a deer yesterday that was limping pretty bad with 2 other deer but couldn't tell what it was because it was getting dark and about 100 yds away. 2 deer started coming towards me today and I could see one was limping when they got closer I could see it was the small 8 that I've watched walk by all season uggg, wasn't putting any weight on its hind leg so I put one through the lungs.


around Toledo
You're a good man Carl. That buck will taste just fine and you will sleep well knowing you did the right thing. Congrats!
Thanks, Phil. When I hung it tonight the ribs were a little bruised (nothing broke) and it's leg was swelled up pretty good below the hind qtr. I don't know if it would have been ok or not but I couldn't let it walk. Only thing that makes me mad is the doe that was with it was one that I'd really like to get rid of because she's one of those blowers that drives you nuts lol