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LIVE! From the Stand 2022-2023 Edition


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
LoL, Bluejays


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Cliffs after action field report:

I walked from the mobile home to Blue Berry which is the little plot that I shot my spring bird off of. As soon as I was ready I let out a few soft clucks followed by a cackle. I got an immediate response. A flock was already on the ground and close. They sounded like a flock of hens which was disappointing. I was hoping that there would be a Jake with them. They seemed to be right there one minute and further away the next. I called to them several times and they always seemed to come when I called. Finally I saw them in the woods. There were about 8 hens/Jennies, one small Jake and a mature Tom! A hen broke for the decoys with the Tom right behind her. Then they all came. The Tom headed to my Jake decoy and I drew. He hung up in between my windows. The Tom was too tall for me to put my pin on his neck except for through the tall window with the Jake decoy in it. The Tom turned and went to the hen decoys. I put my pin just above his beard which was a high as I could see while sitting upright at full draw. I was just about to raise my pin to where I figured the middle of his neck was when he dropped his head to get a better look at the decoy. I adjusted my pin and took his head off. Thank you Mr. Tom for the cooperation. The arrow would have cleared the window with the pin above it but this took out the guess work.

The Tom flopped around and the rest of the flock got excited. Over the next hour I had turkeys in bow range numerous times. The Tom had a thin beard that measured 10" and about 5/8" spurs. Probably under 2 years old. Very happy with him. I think that he is only my second fall Tom. It seems like I usually pick out a bigger Jake after calling in a flock. Only once have I had a flock of Toms come in in the fall.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
First sit of the season for me and I’m solo. My son and Jake are hunting together at another location and it’s a weird feeling. I’ve been taking them both since forever, but I guess it means I’ve done a good enough job getting them ready to go out on their own. Jake has been hunting on his own for a while because he’s more into hunting and my son is more into sports so his time is super-limited. We all still hunt together but today is kind of bittersweet. Hopefully I get a text to come help them drag one out!! Good luck out there tonight guys!!