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LIVE! From the Stand 2022-2023 Edition


Active Member
That would be a lot of fire.
Yeah that would be tough there , I just remembered the guy from work saying he did it before in the early fall and had pretty good success with it . If I recall he said it wasn't 100 percent but got rid of a lot of it and had a lot of regular growth come back . If I see him this week I'll ask him if he tried anything else that worked
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The Flatlands
Had one behind me but couldn’t tell what it was and it got too dark. My buddy had 2 dipshits come stumbling through at 5, they decided to climb down at 6:30. He saw one doe before they got there. May hunt the 7 acres behind his dads cabin before heading home in the morning. I can’t wait to not climb any hills for a little while, Fugg I’m fat.


Se ohio
Went out behind the house after work.

Saw this guy

Then saw this guy and he somehow disappeared under a clump of weeds and disappeared

Then this guy came along



Active Member
Salesville ohio
I had the craziest evening hunt of my entire hunting career tonight. I had 4 does come in at legal last light and feed on the flat I was on. They were there for about 10/15 minutes and all of a sudden all hell broke loose. Three bucks came in all at once and starting grunting and running them everywhere. This goes on for at least ten minutes or so and when the majority of the deer worked off the flat, my shooter came walking directly under my tree. Again, way past legal… anywho. He proceeded to walk towards the old tram road, when I heard a snort wheeze. Next thing I knew he snort wheezed back and all of a sudden a full on brawl. 15/16 yards from me. Most incredible buck fight I’ve ever seen and the most aggressive. That big buck I was after and what looked to be a very mature 8/10 point! They were knocking over sapling trees and rolling on the ground. Grunting, coughing sneezing and all! It was absolutely insane. 40/50 second of full chaos and then nothing. I also never got to lay eyes on that third buck. Only heard him grunting! So after the fight They both went their separate ways and I proceeded to wait 40 more minutes to get out having to coyote call just to make sure I didn’t booger any deer on the way out! SO THE HUNT WENT GREAT…. Bad news. I found out about ten minutes ago that the property that I’ve been on is starting their select cutting of trees on this 30 acre chunk. 176 trees and supposed to take a week…. I’m torn on what to do and how to approach this but I know I just have to be in the woods, regardless of the timbering… Just thought I’d share my evening with you guys. BTW the does weren’t having any of it.