Good luck everyone. Set up in the blind tonight just out for the heck of it. Much hasn't been coming in recently during daylight at night. Morning is a lot more productive
Not to bad wind here, very calm for the most part. Had a woodpecker land on the blind and start pecking at it. Had a chipmunk try and get in the blind with me, and had a finch land right on the opening of the window which was cool.
Not to bad wind here, very calm for the most part. Had a woodpecker land on the blind and start pecking at it. Had a chipmunk try and get in the blind with me, and had a finch land right on the opening of the window which was cool.
One small bodied deer walked by at last light, too dark too make out what it was but wasn't within range either....walked out and 2-3 were out in the bean field below my truck.... They didn't like my presence and blew out of there.....
I could have had deer inside 30 yards and never knew it. Between the wet leaves, wind and thick foliage, I couldn't see or hear much. But... when the leaves come off and it's a crisp, frosty morning, that spot will be awesome. That's why I hung it, but the wind was perfect for it tonight and I always like a test run in a new set before I hunt it come crunch time.
I had high hopes for tonight and ended up with a skunk as well. Deer are still moving after dark. Next weeks moon should prove better if the weather stays cool.