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Live from the stand!

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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
11 total this evening, 9 doe and two small bucks.... They rolled in right at 3:00 and cut the top hayfield which pushed the deer movement by about an hour.... Last hour was fast and furious.... Great night to be on stand.... Having a blast so far even if the targets aren't showing up.... Smoke and evercalm, if you're not using the combo you're missing out....



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
11 total this evening, 9 doe and two small bucks.... They rolled in right at 3:00 and cut the top hayfield which pushed the deer movement by about an hour.... Last hour was fast and furious.... Great night to be on stand.... Having a blast so far even if the targets aren't showing up.... Smoke and evercalm, if you're not using the combo you're missing out....
About damn time you give an update


Senior Member
Athens County
11 total this evening, 9 doe and two small bucks.... They rolled in right at 3:00 and cut the top hayfield which pushed the deer movement by about an hour.... Last hour was fast and furious.... Great night to be on stand.... Having a blast so far even if the targets aren't showing up.... Smoke and evercalm, if you're not using the combo you're missing out....

Tonight was another testament to the smoker. Without it that doe never allows that buck to get that close. They kept looking my way but didn't know what to make of me



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Took Katie out for her first hunt. We saw a booner squirrel that she thought was entertaining as it scampered about. Walked up on a spike buck on the way out. We were at 40 yards but too dark to shoot even though he just stood there looking at us.

I really enjoyed escorting her tonight. Hopefully she wants to go again and we get more action next time.


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I didn't see a lot of movement tonight but what I did was fun. Just one buck, one doe and a coyote. Mason saw just coons and possums.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Got into my stand and settled in around 345. Squirrels, opossum, birds and a yote. Tried to squeal him onto my property, but he went after his dinner instead. No deer.
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