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Lucky to be here today. Lucky beyond belief.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Damn Joe glad your OK. I've lived through some of this couple times so I can't bring myself to read it all right now. But later.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Never met you but i am sure glad that i could still get the chance!!! Read your story and walked over and gave my wife a hug just because. Take care!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Dang Joe, I just got to read this. can't imagine, nor would I want to imagine the fear you were going through. Glad you made it out alive dude! You're a lucky man.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Wow Joe. You did just win the best lottery ever. Hopefully we all can learn something from your experience so this doesn't happen to any of us. Glad it turned out well Thanks for sharing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Let me tell you all how I got to know Joe. Outside of forum chat, some PMs, and a handful of phone calls, I didn't know Joe. I mean, I have never met Moundhill or Diablo in person or JD or Finelyshedded. I feel as if I know them pretty well. But do I really? That is how Joe and I were.

I bought a truck in Gulfport, MS. Knowing Joe grew up down that direction we PM'd about it. I offered to buy his plane ticket and such if he wanted to road trip the weekend back from MS in the truck. First time I met him was when he showed up at my door that morning to drive to the airport. Honestly, I think he would of done it if I told him he had to buy his own airline ticket. He was willing to help out and all he was getting out of it was an adventure/road trip weekend. Says a lot for the guy.

I highly recommend meeting Joe if you ever get the chance. He will tell you some of the tallest tales you have ever heard. One catch: THEY ARE TRUE!!!! My cheeks still hurt from laughing all the way back on that road trip. Glad you are here Joe. I said it once. It was worth repeating.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Finally logged in for the first time in nearly a week. That was pretty emotional to read. Im glad you're still here Joe. Wading in early March in the Maumee river 2 years ago, I was walking out and tripped over a large rock. Both my legs instantly locked up and all I could manage to do was doggy paddle towards shore and was fortunate to be in a slow moving current. Scariest shit that ever happened to me. It doesn't even remotely compare to what you went through.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Stupid Alaskan Bureau of Tourism. Jokes on them. This commercial DOES NOT make me want to move to Alaska. Not even in the slightest. Matter of fact, I'm not even going to visit after this horrible commercial.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Let me tell you all how I got to know Joe. Outside of forum chat, some PMs, and a handful of phone calls, I didn't know Joe. I mean, I have never met Moundhill or Diablo in person or JD or Finelyshedded. I feel as if I know them pretty well. But do I really? That is how Joe and I were.

I bought a truck in Gulfport, MS. Knowing Joe grew up down that direction we PM'd about it. I offered to buy his plane ticket and such if he wanted to road trip the weekend back from MS in the truck. First time I met him was when he showed up at my door that morning to drive to the airport. Honestly, I think he would of done it if I told him he had to buy his own airline ticket. He was willing to help out and all he was getting out of it was an adventure/road trip weekend. Says a lot for the guy.

I highly recommend meeting Joe if you ever get the chance. He will tell you some of the tallest tales you have ever heard. One catch: THEY ARE TRUE!!!! My cheeks still hurt from laughing all the way back on that road trip. Glad you are here Joe. I said it once. It was worth repeating.

HAHA Thanks bud.. Another reason I wanted to go was because a white boy can get in trouble pretty quick in many areas of the deep south. We have plenty of black rednecks that are as racist as the KKK. Not ghetto blacks, redneck blacks. See those big blue counties in Mississippi. Those are 53-86% Black. Being white in those counties you feel like a black man would in eastern Kentucky. And likely in more danger too.


JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Got to be in a public school in downtown Savannah, Georgia for three months in third grade. Two white kids in the school and that was the worst three months in my entire life. I can still smell that classroom to this day...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Underwater weapon recovery attempt number 1 was a failure. I fabricated a metal triangle out of three sections of angle aluminum stock. I them attached three recovery magnets to the rear of it. The idea was to drag the triangle along the bottom and the magnets would hook up to the gun. The water is about 20 feet deep but the bottom is covered in about a foot of aquatic vegetation in spots. This makes it impossible to feel when the magnet grabs the gun but it also drags and hooks up on the grass. We screwed around with it for about an hour before giving up.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Plan B.

I have a Bounty hunter metal detector with a waterproof coil. The coil attaches to the electronic with about a 3 foot cable that plugs in with a DIN 5 connector. I called the manufacturer to ask about extending the cable. I wasn't sure how the electronics worked and if it was calibrated with the cable length. The tech informed me there would be some attenuation loss of signal with a 25 foot cable, but as long as I'm not looking for coins or pop cans it should be fine.

I ordered a 25 foot midi cable with DIN 5 connectors from amazon. The plan is to attach the coil in the center of a plastic snow sled, weight down the sled so it sinks, and drag it around the bottom. Some testing in the back yard with just the detector turned all the way up reveals that it'll throw a strong signal if the coil gets within three feet of a shotgun.

The plan is to tie a food to the sled and zip strip the data cable to that. Off the back of the sled I'm going to attach a line with a float, this way when the sled throws a signal and we stop I know exactly where it's sitting. From there I'm going to send the array of magnets down and snatch that sucker up.

The sled should slide pretty good across the bottom and through the patches of weeds when we hit them. We'll know this weekend. If all goes well it'll be sit back and relax while we troll around and wait for the signal.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Find a scuba instructor..got to be plenty of those in landlocked Springfield!

I have a guy that will dive but they don't start diving until June. The aquatic vegetation concerns me though. Once that stuff starts growing it can grow something like a foot a day. The water is 20 foot deep but its very very clear. I could actually make out the shiny aluminum triangle on the bottom of the lake. Too bad the guns camo. If it was warm enough to swim I bet I could see it with a pair of goggles from the surface.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Make a glass bottomed box to try and see the bottom that way. Hell it works on TV.