I’ll agree, partly, Joe. In the short time frame between my brother’s stay at OSU and my parents visit, the doctors have learned a great deal about treatment of the virus. As an example, when my brother was sick, the standard line of thinking was that steroids made the disease worse, so they were not used. By the time of my parents hospitalization, they knew that once the virus was under control, steroids were beneficial to bringing the lungs to a functioning level. Mom’s lungs were severely effected. Thankfully, what was learned in the timeframe between hers and Steve hospitalization may have saved her life.
Another anecdotal example; let’s say on any given Friday night your local pizza joint will do 5k in business. The end result may be the same every Friday night, but not all Friday nights are the same. For whatever reason, some Friday nights the vast majority of that 5k will be collected over a 2 hour period. Other Friday nights that same 5k will be collected at a steady pace spanning six hours. Which of those Friday nights do you think your local pizza joint will make mistakes? When viewing through that lens, drawing the thing out over time doesn’t look so pointless does it?
Well I'm going to have to get lasik surgerybefore I go back to work in August. No way schools will allow rebels like myself who dont give a flying fuck about the virus to work without a mask. I hope the school has bought a semi truck of disinfectant wipes, we share laptops books, etc. This is going to be a interesting school year.
Maybe you won't be nearsighted after the surgery - hope it is successful and you have a good school year - as a former teacher i am immune to all disease after years of kids slobering, sneezing, coughing, barfing, and shitting themselfs, herd imminity (don't tell Joe)
I ate in deployed chow halls!!!!I ate at numerous waffle houses, golden corals and Chinese buffets. I have immunity against everything.![]()
Flied lice, octopus legs, and some unmentionable stuff and soju boozeHard telling what Joe ate in Korea. We aren't talkin about the chow hall either. That boy is like teflon. Nothin' gonna stick. lol
Lost muh mask Geezer. Had ta improvise. Never wore these holiday skivies I got as a gag gift.
Just having fun with you, Dan. I saw an entire grandstand of people at the races last night. One mask. It was the guy checking wristbands for people going into the pits. I social distanced. Then I made sure to keep the dirt track truck out of the grandstands and on the track.
I don't watch Nascar. If I'm not racing a dirt bike, dirt track truck or something with wheels. . .I just don't get real excited. I enjoy being the racer rather than the viewer of racing.
I had it out with Rural King today. they said I needed a mask to enter their store. I told them to call the police and get them in their right now I need a citation because I'm not going to wear a mask in the store.. I then told them it's against my constitutional rights and that I need a citation to sue Rural King for everything they are worth. they said that won't be necessary and escorted me back to the batteries to get what I needed and apologize for any inconvenience....