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Big Weff

Junior Member
My oldest wanted hot dogs for dinner tonight, it’s his birthday so I obliged. Got off work, went to a local store close to the center. Buddy was using my truck so I had his and there were no masks in the truck. I walk to the back of the store and get hot dogs and buns with no incident, there were about 3 people in the store mind you. I walk up to the register with my shirt up to the bottom of my eyes. He said I won’t cash you out because you don’t have a mask on, as he is wearing a cloth mask. I said what do you mean my face is covered. Cashier said yeah but its not doing anything. I said exactly. He called the manager and she let me leave with my dogs and told me not to re-enter without a proper mask. As she is also wearing a mask made of the same material as my shirt. 🤫


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My oldest wanted hot dogs for dinner tonight, it’s his birthday so I obliged. Got off work, went to a local store close to the center. Buddy was using my truck so I had his and there were no masks in the truck. I walk to the back of the store and get hot dogs and buns with no incident, there were about 3 people in the store mind you. I walk up to the register with my shirt up to the bottom of my eyes. He said I won’t cash you out because you don’t have a mask on, as he is wearing a cloth mask. I said what do you mean my face is covered. Cashier said yeah but its not doing anything. I said exactly. He called the manager and she let me leave with my dogs and told me not to re-enter without a proper mask. As she is also wearing a mask made of the same material as my shirt. 🤫

But if you went home and made a "mask" out of that same shirt it would be ok. Like magically two pieces of elastic is kryptonite for covid. 🙄.

Big Weff

Junior Member
I loathe libtards man. Still stewing on it. I was still in uniform or I would probably still be in there. It’s amazing how the demographic changes once you enter the little 10 square mile section of Athens city vs. all surrounding towns.
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Big Weff

Junior Member
Also I don’t believe all liberals are “libtards”. I know there are plenty of normal ones. I just never seem to meet them.
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Staff member
Walked into the gas station down the road from my house tonight. They have signs all over saying masks are required. There were at least 5 guys in there with no mask on and the lady checking us out was wearing hers like she had a goatee and it was hair net. I took mine off standing in line. This whole thing is laughable at this point.

Big Weff

Junior Member
I feel like the Democrats of today are far different than the Democrats of yesterday. I was also raised in a democratic household, first election I was able to vote in I voted democrat. I’ve always had the thought it wasn’t necessary to go red or blue but to just pick the better candidate. That has changed in the last several years maybe due to general exposure to the topic as I get older. I hate that it’s left v. Right but that’s what it is for the time being. Emphasis on the time being. Still holding out hope!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm seeing minimal mask wearing. Granted, I won't go into a grocery store or Walmart or Menards sized store. Gas stations, smaller stores, NAPA. . .I'm seeing very few comply. Even the employees at NAPA weren't wearing them. lol. I'll wear one now, but only out of respect for the employees who have to enforce it. They are dealing with enough. They don't need to argue about a mask. Most of them are probably not making more than minimum. I'm not causing them anymore grief.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm seeing minimal mask wearing. Granted, I won't go into a grocery store or Walmart or Menards sized store. Gas stations, smaller stores, NAPA. . .I'm seeing very few comply. Even the employees at NAPA weren't wearing them. lol. I'll wear one now, but only out of respect for the employees who have to enforce it. They are dealing with enough. They don't need to argue about a mask. Most of them are probably not making more than minimum. I'm not causing them anymore grief.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Had wife up to the Cleveland Clinic this mornin so uhm sit n in the waiting room and this person is sit n on the other side of the room. They were wearing levis, polo tshirt, leather sandles no sox arms wraped around torso. They had a black mask on and a big pile of wavy black hair stacked on on their head. I'm think n hmmmmmmmmm wonder what she looks like without the mask. Nurse comes out and sez Mr. Watever and this person sez yes and stands up. Wtf it was a guy - dam masks
Hmm could it be................

2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose and mouths broke their will and individuality and depersonalized them.
It made them submissive and slave-like. That's why they imposed the mandatory use of a fabric over every woman’s face.
Modern psychology explains it: without face, we don't exist as independent beings. A child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality.
Indeed, the mask is completely dehumanizing. People don’t even look at each other anymore, no eye contact, no physical contact, no smiling, hence the increase in depression and yes, suicide.
The 6 feet distancing is also ritualistic as well. It’s a very well orchestrated agenda. Well done humans.
It’s time to wake up before it’s too late!


Milford, OH
I think masks are required to remind us that the big nothing “pandemic” is going on.

Yes. Some people have gotten sick. Some have died. But the vast majority of people have not been affected. If we went on with our lives people would begin to get over this thing. But make everyone wear a mask and you can’t help but be aware of it.
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