Well dad hit one tonight, but we were unsuccessful on the recovery :smiley_blackeye:.
I walked into the lunchroom and mom told me dad connected with a biggun and that he wanted me to go help track. So i was thinking, Right on! He's due. So i meet him at the house and first thing he says.."i dont think we'll find him". That sucked to hear. So he explained that the deer was facing left, slightly quartered and when dad shot he hit a limb. He said at first he though he missed but he got down and looked and so a decent amount of blood. He said the buck took off, 60 yards, stopped and looked around then bolted off again. Dad decided to pull out and give it time. So on the way out he was walking down the loggin trail and looks down and sees a pile of blood. :smiley_confused_vra. Where this stand is, is up on a big hill, with 2 loggin roads leading to the top and to the stand. So the buck ran a big loop and was down on a shelf that the loggin trail crossed. So that saved alot of tracking time. So he walks out and met us at home. We examined the arrow and i am dumbfounded by it. Theres fleshy fat and blood a little deeper than the broadhead, then throughout the arrow theres spots of blood the size of a peice of corn. Btw, when he went to get his arrow it was laying flat on the ground, not showing sign of a passthrough. So we decide to head out and track. We follow a decent blood trail of some bright red, some dark red blood. Then we see a little more blood, then some chunks of what almost had to be lung, and bubbly blood. This is about 250 yards from the initial shot. So things were kinda looking up. We lost blood a few times, but eventually got back on the trail. About 325 yrds into the blood trail the blood just stops..i mean its a decent trail to just nothing..nadda..:smiley_confused_vra. So dad diablo and begin walkin, looking up down, here there, in bottoms, in thick stuff..nothing. My guess is that he stopped and licked his wound maybe? Then ran straight down the hill and crossed the road. Either way it sucks for dad that we couldnt find him. Diablo and Dad even went and tried to use a bloodhound of diablo's uncles. But nothing, he's still a pup too. So i'm debating on going out tomorow or just going to school. I'm confused on where he hit this buck at. I mean, little penatration, but then lung blood, and blood squirting out the opposite side of which the shot was taken seems like a definite passthrough, but the arrow shots penatration of only about 4 inches.