Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War. 9 part documentary.
Being commissioned in 1986, this
EXCELLENT documentary rolls me back, solidly, into my chair. To tie it together with, 'now'. They use the Ukrainian and Russian conflict to give the last 80 years that we've lived with nukes - emotional currency. I think they did great job providing a multitude of prisms to expand the understanding of the issues, liberal wanks, warmongering hawks, Russian, USA, By of Pigs, divided than united Germany, Glasnost etc.
My second duty assignment was with USSPACECOM, in Cheyenne Mountain and worldwide ground based sensors testing the employment of the
ITW/AA system and making 'sure' we could end the world. This documentary is spot on.
They do a good job for millennials and others that were not part of the system and/or too young to associate current conflicts with the very real, sudden and possible, thermonuclear ending of the world. It recounts the many errors and individual courage of some ordinary folks that prevented the ending of the world - I counted 7 times in the series, both Russian and American.