Well spent the last two days at a trainers in Maryland. On the way home now.... ace got thrown to the wolves the blast two days. He was training with the big dogs. Meaning, we were training with the dogs that ate master level, except we were not doing triples. We were doing just the doubles and the blinds. It was a rough two days with some hard marks and even harder bljnda for a 10 month old dog who just started doing blinds. Yesterday his second blind was about 200 yards. Consisted of a water entry, swim across pond exit on point. And swim across another pond with bumper on opposite bank just to the left of the little peninsula....
It was a bit much for him.... and I probably shouldn't have attempted it.... but we got him there.... it wasn't pretty....
Then we did channel blinds. Where he had to swim across small pond. Cross land. Then swim down the center of the channel to the bumper he didn't know was there.... he did very well with this.... and swam the channels flawlessly out and back.
I gained a lot of new knowledge that will help me train. I have hopes of running his first senior test soon.... so we will see how the next few weeks progress.....