HA! We were joking about that yesterday. You gotta be tough and dumb to hunt like I do!!! Do I need all that shit? No. But I am 100% comfortable with how I'm hunting right now when I roll with that mobile set-up. In all seriousness, you need to have some resemblance of "shape" to you haul that shit in and out. With 30 pounds on your back and sometimes as much as 20 pounds in the pack if I am taking in extra clothes, you can't be a pussy and haul that shit 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile to hunt. I supposed I could carry an ultra light climber with nothing but my bow and release, but that ain't me. I love the comfort in my stand set-up and my pack, well it has everything I might need. And if you know me, you know I always pack heavy cause you just never know!!!
Besides, I prehung that stand on Thursday and drove the quad to the deer to pick everything up. Makes life a lot easier!