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My thoughts on gun season!


Senior Member
I need not tell you them, I think you all already know!!

Poor deer looked like a piece of swiss cheese!!!!! .5 mile from my house! HE was at my house in front of my cam thursday! I dont understand a deers thinking! This hillside gets pounded by gun hunters! YEt he walks over there and lays down during gun season, when he didnt get pressured at all by my hosue! Although, where he was shot was his home range!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Bummer... Sorry to see this.
I know the feeling. We saw one of the nice 8's we've had on camera today and he ran over to the club that borders our hunting prop. I just kept waiting to hear a shot. Thankfully no shot was heard.

I feel for ya.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Nice buck. Congrats to the feller that got him.

Some deer are just like some kids...They have to learn things the HARD WAY. It just happened that this time it cost him his life.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Been in your shoes a few times this year now. Having a couple 200 inchers sent to deer heaven without me puting them up there has been tough to swallow. But all you can do is look for the next one or the one that has potential...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My thoughts are congratulations to the old timer that got that nice looking Buck.... didn't you learn to share as a child lol.... just sayin.....


Senior Member
My thoughts are congratulations to the old timer that got that nice looking Buck.... didn't you learn to share as a child lol.... just sayin.....

I congratulated him and told him I would get him some photos made up of the deer for him to have! It still boils down to a lack of work with success thing for me! Chances are that deer will end up getting skull plated and thrown in the corner! I am just more bummed to see it die, esp by a gun. Had it been shot by a bow hunter who shot it with one arrow and the person had scouted the deer all year it would be differetent. Instead it was shot 5 or 6 times with a shotgun, with only one him being lethal!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I figured you handled it with class Zach. Nice of you to get some of your pics together for him. Either way, for someone in your shoes, that sucks.

I get where the likes of you, gern, jd, and many many more on this site come from with your view points. This is my first year on a piece of private property in OH that I feel comfortable letting bucks walk. The landowner wants to do the right things (plots, timbered, be more selective on the bucks taken, etc.). This is the first year I have ran a camera and hoping to add more cameras to the woods after 12/25 :). Therefore, I am already getting the feeling of "I hope this buck makes it till next year" and thinking of what I need to do on the land to make it better in the off season.

In the meantime, that buck would be a trophy on the wall to me. So I can't help but be happy for the hunter. That said, as you pointed out, wish it had been a cleaner kill and something he had invested into more personally.

Either way, it sucks that another buck didn't make it for you to see it grow into its potential, but kudos to you for offering to get a collection of pictures together for him.
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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
It's really nice of you to be so gracious Zach. I'm guessin that is a "buck of a lifetime" for that old guy.

Since I gun hunt with a muzzleloader I really don't understand why it takes 5 or 6 shots to kill a deer.:smiley_confused_vra


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
cause people dont know how to not shoot at a mooving deer

Moving, standing makes little difference to me. Still should only take 2 shots at the most.

I should clarify that statement.
One time I passed on a very nice buck, all he offered me was his south end through brush. I told an older guy later what I did and he said "Can't kill 'em if you don't shoot" That is the attitude that leads to multiple shots at deer. Using a ML forces me to pick shots, the right running shot sometimes is easier then the wrong standing shot.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
At least the ol' boy looks happy about it. That's a great buck... too bad he couldn't live another year or two, though.


Senior Member
Have killed two deer with a gun 93 yards and 62. Two shots. Both deer dropped in their tracks.

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