I've been holding off starting this thread until I'd done some of my own research, but time is running short and I'd like some input. Time is running short because I've been working on the wife to get me one for Christmas...maybe getting everyone else in the family to kick in a little instead of buying other gifts...I've been wearing her down for 3 months and she's now accepted that a 4-wheeler is gonna happen...now she says "but I don't even know how to go about getting one"...:smiley_clap
rogress, progress.
Here's the deal - I believe that using a 4 wheeler to help me access more remote parts of the properties I hunt is going to have a significant impact for me next season. One property has it's best hunting areas at the top of a 400 foot hill on which there are old logging trails suitable for 4 wheeler use. I climbed it this weekend and felt like a Muslim seeing Mecca for the first time. Like to killed me gettin up there. 4 wheeler is a must.
I don't want a mega-machine. It ain't gotta be purty. Room for one passenger would be nice, but not critical. But I know that if I can't carry a passenger I'll regret it.
I live in the area between Dayton - Cincinnati. If you have any dealer/contact suggestions they'd be appreciated.
I wanna hear about brand preferences - options I should make sure I get - how much machine do I need to haul my fat ass up a hill - minimum ground clearance I should look for - anything you've learned you wish you'd known when you bought a machine, I need to hear it.
School me boyz, school me....
Here's the deal - I believe that using a 4 wheeler to help me access more remote parts of the properties I hunt is going to have a significant impact for me next season. One property has it's best hunting areas at the top of a 400 foot hill on which there are old logging trails suitable for 4 wheeler use. I climbed it this weekend and felt like a Muslim seeing Mecca for the first time. Like to killed me gettin up there. 4 wheeler is a must.
I don't want a mega-machine. It ain't gotta be purty. Room for one passenger would be nice, but not critical. But I know that if I can't carry a passenger I'll regret it.
I live in the area between Dayton - Cincinnati. If you have any dealer/contact suggestions they'd be appreciated.
I wanna hear about brand preferences - options I should make sure I get - how much machine do I need to haul my fat ass up a hill - minimum ground clearance I should look for - anything you've learned you wish you'd known when you bought a machine, I need to hear it.
School me boyz, school me....