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No Till Food Plots - So Easy


*Supporting Member*
We talk a lot about deer plots - but something we are also really passionate about is cover crop science.

Here is a cover crop I have between blueberries- now many would think this crop wouldn’t do well in low PH soils, yet because of the diversity and some timely rains, we have fantastic growth.

This cover crop will help feed soil, feed plants, increase water infiltration and cut back on inputs.




*Supporting Member*
A few updates on a new farm we are working to make a super spot. This was first year planting it and it had a TON of carbon load on soil surface. Because of this we trickle applied liquid N to help cycle the carbon this first year. We also seeded twice and increased total seeding rate per acre by about 50%. As you can see the results are fantastic. 3 acres of food - all no till. This field will only continue to become better, over time.



*Supporting Member*
No till carbon load into herbicide burned off nitro boost.

Although ultimately we want to eliminate our need for herbicide - this is a very successful planting method and maximizes food offering. Because we are no tilling, we continue to have thatch. We have our super diverse mix feeding the soil through root exudation and nutrient cycling. Lastly - we have some awesome food for bucks, does and fawns. Great nutrition and attraction!!



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I have a creek bottom that floods from time to time. (Mostly spring) I used to plant it with Big and Beasty. I use it because I like to disturb as little as possible. (The place is small and it is very easy to blow the deer out for months at a time.) It is now way overdue to be redone again and a corn pile just doesn't seem like enough as it only offers one thing, and that candy ain't what they need.


1. Do you offer anything that will last multiple years?

2. I'd love to finally have that face to face. Strouds?

3. If 2 is an option, how much do you charge to check my soil if I bring you some? I'm not as dedicated to this as some and I think if you offered something like this, it would help you financially and the customers ease.

4. I have finally talked my wife into planting clover in the yard for the spots grass doesn't grow. Is there another plant out there that can withstand shade and constant mowing pressure?

5. Thank you for always answering my stupid questions. I know it takes time. You can PM, text or call me if needed. 👍🏻
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*Supporting Member*
I have a creek bottom that floods from time to time. (Mostly spring) I used to plant it with Big and Beasty. I use it because I like to disturb as little as possible. (The place is small and it is very easy to blow the deer out for months at a time.) It is now way overdue to be redone again and a corn pile just doesn't seem like enough as it only offers one thing, and that candy ain't what they need.


1. Do you offer anything that will last multiple years?

2. I'd love to finally have that face to face. Strouds?

3. If 2 is an option, how much do you charge to check my soil if I bring you some? I'm not as dedicated to this as some and I think if you offered something like this, it would help you financially and the customers ease.

4. I have finally talked my wife into planting clover in the yard for the spots grass doesn't grow. Is there another plant out there that can withstand shade and constant mowing pressure?

5. Thank you for always answering my stupid questions. I know it takes time. You can PM, text or call me if needed. 👍🏻

1. Hey buddy our carbon load product is a great planting that can be planted and terminated then planted again. It’s not technically a perennial but it has annuals that reseed.
2. Yes sir. I love to meet ya. I don’t think I’ll make it to strouds. I’ll look and try but between work and baby - my free time is saved for killing a buck. Unfortunately.
3. Even if I could get your soil. I don’t analyze myself. I send to a lab. I’d send to ward labs. I wouldn’t charge you a dime to review the results and make sense of it. I truly love it.
4. That’s a tough one. Alfalfa, birds foot trefoil and other can handle mowing - but would likely need to be reseeded more often than grass. Ladino type clovers are likely the best most economical bet.
5. Bro. Don’t thank me. It’s my freaking pleasure. I love the engagement and questions.

stay safe brothers!!

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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Flooding isn’t great. Many species should survive short burst but long periods - you’ll be better with rice lol.

One last question, for now, what time of year is best for planting that mix?

I hope you kill your buck early so I can finally put a hand shake to ya. 👍🏻


*Supporting Member*

One last question, for now, what time of year is best for planting that mix?

I hope you kill your buck early so I can finally put a hand shake to ya. 👍🏻
Ideal is 45-60 days before first frost. Any later and you start to lose the ability for the bulb species to really develop.
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*Supporting Member*



well - the plots look good but boy oh boy do I have the deer to shoot. 10 acres of food and as you can see, they are just eating me out of house and home.

This is going to have a negative impact on my ability to continue to make really healthy soil. As plants get over browsed we reduce tonnage and photosynthesis capture. However, this is a huge benefit of highly diverse blends. Something always comes in and fills the gaps. Had this been a monoculture of brassicas - it would already be barren.

Always evolving the management plans- they are fluid my friends!

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*Supporting Member*
How are the acorns there? If that's how they look on a decent mast crop year, that's pretty incredible.

bro acorns are everywhere. There is this one white oak on the road. I pushed 6 deer off it in 2 days just driving the atv by. I’d drive by, push 2 off. Come back half hour later and there’s 2-3 there again!
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*Supporting Member*
No matter how many deer I shoot with a compound - it always feels like the first one all over again. Doe # 1 of the season. Many more to go as the doe numbers on virtually every property have far surpassed the habitats carrying capacity! Fresh venison and happy land owners!



*Supporting Member*
No till broadcast method - into a heavy thatch (first time planting this field). As you can see the carbon load is going to work!!

We planted this early and seeded it twice ( 4 weeks apart) to fill in gaps and give us some varying stages of growth.

We have grains and brassicas varying in height - feeding soil and deer!!

All that was used here was some lime and a little bit of N foliar feed (used to help jumpstart the residue breakdown).

The rest is just plants doing what plants do!!!

#notill #broadcast #carbonload #soils #soilhealth #bucks #hunting #does #foodplots #foodplot