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official team uglykat logo contest

must have Team Uglykat in the logo somewhere

cannot infringe on another recognized , copyrighted or trademarked logo

no obscene pictures in the logo

the winner will recieve a $25 gift certificate to sporting goods store of thier choice

winning logo will be decided by the members of TOO in a poll

good luck and have fun guys


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Here is my contribution to the contest.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I wish Ray was not so busy with the BEC shoot stuff. I would love to see him and Mike go head to head in this contest. They both have mad skkillz!!!
very cool guys , keep em coming ill run the contest till february 28 , to give every one enough time to submit what the want , then the week after ill put up a voting poll , thie winning logo will not only be the logo for my new website , but it will be on my window stickers and team jersey's as well


Senior Member
Here's my submission. Room for team member names or sponsors.

Lol if I get picked I will even change it to a K instead of a C