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Official TOO Catch Thread

Bite has been really slow down here with the surface temp creeping up over 90 degrees and nearly 100 outside. Been able to find a few in the late afternoon early morning that have eat finesse worms. Been a small bite and a slow bite.


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I lost a lot of good bass this year. Fishing for bass is Diffently not my year this year. A lot on my mind about everything going on is maybe why I’m having a hard time focusing....I’m always on fire slamming the hogs. I went out with my buddy to go on a boat and see if we could catch some smallies. We got to the lake at 8 and got done 430am. We went to Brookville Lake, Indiana. He caught two nice small mouth and 2 little ones. I lost 2 small mouth, one small one, and not a bad one. 2nd time fishing for smallies in my life. It has got me hooked and it was challenging. That got me going. Will go again