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Ohio 2013 Rut Report.

Just got back home yesterday from a 10 day hunt in Hocking county public land 114 hours in the stand 3 locations. Saw 7 small bucks responding to rattling all different hours of the day. I saw 3 big bucks come to the stand the last 10 minutes of light with no shot. The best of the small bucks was a 140 eight point I need a 145 plus to upgrade so he got a free pass.


Junior Member
Despite the miserable wind I finally had my first shooter come in tonight about 515. Bad thing was he was on edge. He came to 30 yds facing straight on with his nose in the air scent checking. Unfortunately there was a button buck on the bank above him that he didn't see. The button buck snapped some brush and the shooter took off like a race horse out to about a 100 yds and stopped. I got h to look back my way with a grunt but that was it. I'm guessing he was 140 to 150. Probably 20 in spread. One word sumps up my rut so far....frustration


Junior Member
Had a nice young 6 cruise by around two. Saw two others running but didn't see if it was a buck chasing or not. The spot I'm in now is to easily accessible to other hunters so my goes aren't high. I'm on a flat though and they say hunt the flats for cruising bucks. Worked for the little one, now just need a shooter to do the same. It's been really slow so far... Also hearda fawn bleating over and over tonight, very weird. I'm on public in Muskingum for the guy who asked. Only real positive are there are very few guys out here hunting. Only hunting 3, 4 more days max. Every day that goes by, looks more and more like 3 days...


Junior Member
oh, and zero response to calling. I've had very little luck calling to these Ohio deer. Keeping at it though. Moved spots today and left my horns in the other tree so it's back to my early days of grunting only. Called more deer in that way than anything else anyway...


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Had a shooter come by at 4:10. I got wood, then he decided he would go another way. I'll get another crack at him eventually. Just my luck though, a decent deer walks by and he decides to take a diff path then he does everyday. Stupid deer.


Senior Member
Athens County
5pm tonight saw my target buck for the first time on the hoof this year. Not acting overly crazy or chasing does. Just licking some branches and farting around. No response to calls.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Had a nice young 6 cruise by around two. Saw two others running but didn't see if it was a buck chasing or not. The spot I'm in now is to easily accessible to other hunters so my goes aren't high. I'm on a flat though and they say hunt the flats for cruising bucks. Worked for the little one, now just need a shooter to do the same. It's been really slow so far... Also hearda fawn bleating over and over tonight, very weird. I'm on public in Muskingum for the guy who asked. Only real positive are there are very few guys out here hunting. Only hunting 3, 4 more days max. Every day that goes by, looks more and more like 3 days...

My buddy and I are hunting public land in Muskingum TOO. We are seeing quite a few does and a few small bucks. Biggest buck sighting has been a 2 1/2 year old 8 point. We've been in the same area since Wednesday and keep seeing deer but no real signs of the rut. We leave Friday so I'm hoping the light comes on soon but I'm not optimistic.


Staff member
Passed a solid 4 year old 8 this morning who was on a mission. I tried calling to him when he stopped to make a scrape and he informed everything. One of the 2 does I saw may have been in estrous, but there was never a buck on her trail. Saw 2 spikes and called both to the base of my tree. Best hunt of the year this morning, but not what I'd call a great rut hunt despite perfect weather and it being November 11th.


Senior Member
I spent the last 7 days in Jefferson Co. logging 13 hunts with over 40 hours seat time.

I saw lots of little buck on their feet.
The most chases I saw was 3 in one day.
The most bucks I saw in one day was 4.
I did see 4 bucks in the 115-130 range, two of which I could have killed.

The bigger bucks have begun to show up Saturday and Sunday.

I'll be doing some more tree time Friday thru Sunday. Big boys should be on there feet by then.


Junior Member
Summit County
Southern Tusc Co: Between the wife and I, we spent a day and a half out in the woods. I had one doe within bow range and decided against taking her since 1) she was acting nervous and kept looking behind her 2) she had a wound on her back, looked like an errant treestand shot. I could see flesh and fat but it was not bleeding. I didn't want to shoot her and find that there was some kind of infection. My wife on the other hand, had pretty decent action. At dusk, she had a nice buck come in 25 yards behind her but never presented a shot. Sunday morning she was in stand and had a conversation with a different buck in the same area. It turned out that he was a small 6 point with a doe and ended up pushing the doe out along the ridge 65yds away. I walked away with windburned cheeks and she had all the fun!

Sightings continue to decline in my area. Getting frustrated...

May need to revert to a Plan B myself as I had three nice shooters coming in to corn at the end of January......


Junior Member
had pretty good action this morning..had a spike chase a do thru then a couple minutes later saw my second shooter of the week but too far out..about 1030 i heard a grunt behind me and a doe came running..i turnes around to grab my bow and she busted me and took off but the buck with her was standing there..120ish 8 ..there was another buck with them but never got a good look at it..then at 11 had another spike chase a doe through..had to pick the kid up so wont make it back out till tomorrow afternoon so hopin for another chance at my shooter from yesterday..only time this week i have good wind for that farm


Junior Member
Same buck from yesterday came by around 9 and another yearling 6 around 10. Nothing otherwise. First deer busted me. Not sure if it's me or the smoke but I've been busted more this year than the previous two combined...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Tried to make a mid day hunt work. Was hoping to see some cruising bucks after the does bedded. Nothing. I am guessing the does who were being chased last night are locked down with bucks right about now. Just need to keep after them I guess. Nothing more I can do but put as much time in the stand and wait for a little bit of luck.