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Ohio 2013 Rut Report.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Ive hunted the last 3 days and have barely seen a deer....and I have yet to see the first buck from a treestand this year.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The rut hasn't started here in my neck of the woods in the SW yet. Just small rubs, one small scrape, no chasing or grunting anywhere. Very much like the sign and movement you start seeing right after they shed velvet?!? Slooooooow so far.


Junior Member
Finally saw a little action yesterday..had a nice 3.5 yr old trailing a doe in the morning along with a spike searching. In the evening had three bucks chasing a doe around. Biggest was a buck on wife's hit list decent 10pt that really blew up from last yr. He was grunting and running the two smaller bucksks off. I heard him snort wheez twice so that was cool. Its starting to heat up here. Just wish the freaking neighbors dog would quit running deer.


Senior Member
Finally saw a little action yesterday..had a nice 3.5 yr old trailing a doe in the morning along with a spike searching. In the evening had three bucks chasing a doe around. Biggest was a buck on wife's hit list decent 10pt that really blew up from last yr. He was grunting and running the two smaller bucksks off. I heard him snort wheez twice so that was cool. Its starting to heat up here. Just wish the freaking neighbors dog would quit running deer.

Washington county?


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
sunday i had a buck down over the hill from me couldnt tell what he was but he was grunting and raising all kinds of hell but they werent running any does. i got a text from a buddy that hunts around a mile away today said its like someone flipped a switch on his place. said he had 2 shooters dogging does all over. im thinking he might have the first hot does in the area.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Saw too 1.5 year old bucks.... 5 and 7 points an hour apart searching with their nose too the ground.... The 7 point walked right under my stand and almost brushed the ladder lol.... Two single does earlier with nothing in tow..... Not quite there yet....


Senior Member
I see the rut has really kicked in in Michigan.
Haven't seen a buck dogging a doe all weekend until today after I shot my buck. Young buck was giving chase to a couple does. Other than that we've heard grunting, snort wheezing and some scraping action. Our corn is going to be finished probably tomorrow which will make things a bit different. Only seen a few does so far compared to several young bucks. All day sits for me the last 3 days didn't produce much after 10 am and they didn't move much til that hour before dark.