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Ohio Bobcats


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Anyone else getting more pics of bobcats than any other predator? Maybe if we combine data in this one thread, we can use it to submit to the state. Get us some seasons going.

I'll start


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
have got a ton of them lately.....
and grays.....and reds.......and yotes.....

Like crazy amounts of predator presence starting about 2 weeks ago
So share away here. Let's collect the data in one place. Don't worry about people tracking your pic to your property, @Jackalope has it set so no one can do that. We can all say we are seeing them, but let's prove it.

Wiley E Coyote

Active Member
I've been getting gray and red fox pics both in Warren and highland county very regularly. I'm sure they are the same critters over and over. Hard to get a good quality pic because they seem to always be moving. I've been getting skunk pics also. First year that I've ever had that happen. I've been running cams since the early days of flim cameras


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
The DNR knows all about them. Before season I got picked to participate in a survey that you would document everything you see when hunting like coyotes,bobcats and some other critters. The bad thing is only 700 people are picked. If they let everyone do it then they would really know what's out there.
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I spoke to a guy that had been hunting salt Fork since the 80s and he said you can’t put out a trail camera without getting a bunch of pictures of bobcats .
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