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Ohio hunting


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Any dog is better than no dog, there nose is 500000 better than yours. Good luck!

I would agree. I may try our boxer on some tracking jobs this year. Boxers aren't known for their noses, but they are still better than a human. Once he figures out what we are doing, I think he'd be good at it. Most of dog tracking deer is the handler knowing how to read his dog (once the dog knows what he is supposed to do.)


I would agree. I may try our boxer on some tracking jobs this year. Boxers aren't known for their noses, but they are still better than a human. Once he figures out what we are doing, I think he'd be good at it. Most of dog tracking deer is the handler knowing how to read his dog (once the dog knows what he is supposed to do.)
Granted my dog is a mixed hound but took him a few times and he will find the blood but boy is he slow at tracking. He has to lick up ALL blood on the way lol but he's 2 for 3


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I would agree. I may try our boxer on some tracking jobs this year. Boxers aren't known for their noses, but they are still better than a human. Once he figures out what we are doing, I think he'd be good at it. Most of dog tracking deer is the handler knowing how to read his dog (once the dog knows what he is supposed to do.)

Brought along for a track job of my buddies doe. Got her outta the truck too walk over too where he was on his hands and knees looking for blood. Bristol caught wind of it and went 70 yards right too it.
Never been on a deer before. No training, just smelled something she liked and went too it.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
6 inches of penetration is not good... Gotta think you hit something solid or being a expandable it changed course upon contact.... As said earlier if you hit opposite shoulder arrow should have snapped in half.... How far was shot and how many pounds are you shooting???


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Keep at it young man. Looking as you are will teach you a few things along the way. Forgot to mention the spray bottle of peroxide trick. If it even looks like blood, spray it and look for a reaction. (Foaming/coloration).