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Ohio Turkey Hunting Report


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Was wondering how Mason was doing. I know that its just a matter of time before he slips up and Mason gives him a dirt nap.
I cant seem to get my boy interested, but that time will come. Im just about ready to go shoot his bird but Ill wait till the last week to do that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Big congrats RSmith!

Congrats to all who have connected. Good luck to the others still hunting. Going to try it in the morning. Or maybe sleep in. Guess I will know in 6-7hrs.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Was going to go out in the morning, but I think I'll go down to my buddies and watch the fight. Might make it out around 8.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Any luck, hicks, or anyone else that's out? I've been out since 8 and haven't heard any. 2 bucks came out in the field and they both had a couple inches of new antler.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Beautiful morning. One lone gobble shortly after first light. Probably 2-300yds away. Never heard or saw anything else. Not a turkey. Not a deer. Took an amazing nap. Probably the best nap I have had in a long time. We don't have tons of turkeys in our area. Either they are hanging around on a property you hunt or they are not. Today they are not.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Called in 2 hens, they didn't bring any boys with them. Had a yote come out in the cut corn looking for a turkey, I was hoping he'd come after my decoys so I could of arrowed his ass but I don't think he saw them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Heard 7 yesterday and came close to getting Josh one.
Sure is fun to be out with a kid trying to get their first bird.Mani swear i though he was going to stop breathing when a bird was 70 yds out and gobbling his head off but had hens with him.
They gobbled till ten yesterday and today we heard 0 gobbles.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My buddy Don peppered this one this morning.


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Hunted PA on Saturday. Passed two small Jakes and was on birds all day came really close just to have (2) guys sneak on the birds while we were working them at 11:00 AM. Worked birds until 12:30 but figured it was time to back out in that the day ends at 12:00 (dumb rule in my opinion) but had them gobbling the whole way back to the truck. Not sure if ill make it back as my weekends are busy and with a newborn its kind of tough but all and all if not I am happy with taking 2 birds in this wonderful state.


Looked back into the plot and saw 5 turkeys back there, I will have to grab the card and see what/who it was. Taking my girlfriends dad out Sunday so hopefully we can put,him on a good long beard as well. Good luck everyone


Well just pulled the card and all I can say is WOW. Hopefully I can get him on this bird this weekend that would be awesome. Any guesses on beard length? uploadfromtaptalk1430846428425.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
The beard on my bird was 11.75. The one one your camera looks pretty close.


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Although it is leaning forward which can be a little deceptive I would still ballpark it 11-12 inches just for shits and giggles ill say 11.5 inches.

I have shot a few with 11+ and you will know when you see one that is over 12. The first bird I ever shot at touched the ground and curled back up I would have easily judged it over 14 inches.

My longest beard was right around 12 but has a huge curl in it now if anyone has suggestions of how to fix.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
I put the smack down one a good tom a little bit ago. Took an exam and had him in the back of the truck before noon. 1 1/2 spurs and 9 inch beard. I will take it! Congrats to others who have had success!IMG_4659.jpg
Went out this morning just to listen and see what the birds have been up to......very quite morning with one loner gobbling on the limb. I personally think its getting to hot and there henned up pretty good now.

How are the birds acting for everyone else.

Should be heading back to PA at somepoint this weekend but not looking to promising.