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Junior Member
Thanks finelyshedded. Diane grabbed that pic at the Piedmont Dam right along the road. I couldn't believe it when I seen it. Diane was watching a Hawk fly over & wanted pics of it. We never seen the Hawk again. :smiley_crocodile:
Well, other than hunting or fishing... I don't have the machine any more, but I built this sandrail and drove it just about any place that I wanted to go. It had a VW engine (by design) but was greatly modified. The standard air-cooled VW engine is 1600cc with 85.5mm cylinders, 69mm crank and a single 34mm carb. Mine had 92mm cylinders, 82mm crank, racing heads/valves and 2 Delorto 45mm carbs. A VW Bus tranny, IRS rear suspension with gas shocks, king-pin front suspension with gas shocks, 14" of ground clearance, duel steering brakes in the center console (simular to what's in a farm tractor, that brakes one side or the other), Goodyear Terra 15" x 15" tires on the same size wheels and a 10,000 tachometer to give the madness some direction.

It would turn low 6s in the sand drags @ 85 m.p.h. For those who don't know, sand drags are 100 yards. Big fun, lots of horsepower (165 whp) and 28 m.p.g. on the highway. :smiley_blink:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very nice Daniel! 92mm? So this was a 1776cc or was that the 1835cc? Let me guess "041" heads or did you go a little more radical? Hehehehe. Yessir. I am full of surprises aren't I? Far from an expert, but I have dabbled in VWs in the past as well. Simple yet snappy. You can definitely build a sleeper out of an air cooled VW beetle. 1/8 mile tracks are where they really shine since they wind out so fast.
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The actual cc engine size of a stock engine with a 69mm crank and 85.5mm pistons, is 1585cc, but VW called them a 1600...much like the motorcycle manufacturers.
The next size up from the standard 69mm crank is a 74mm and it can be installed without any machining. The most common increase in engine size was to go to 87mm or 88mm pistions, as that would give you a 1641 or 1679 and it was literally bolt-on-horsepower.

It's not a good idea to go with 88mm or 94mm pistons because the jug walls were to thin and they didn't last long. Another "short cut" was for guys to go to an 1835cc engine size, because it cost less to get the case bored out for 92mm pistions that it was to get the case line-bored for a larger crank.
The way the air-cooled VW engine was designed (opposed 4 cylinder), the engine performed better with duel carbs. A carb setting directly on top of each head, gave it a positive fuel feed.

What I built was a 2180cc and the 041 racing heads with large sized valves, 2 oil coolers, low profile aluminum dog house fan shroud, altenator (instead of the original generator), 60,000 volt coil with points and rotor in a distributor cab...instead of a magneto.

I used the standard ratio rocker arms and wish I would've went with 1:4 or 1:5 ratio and used a differenct cam. The lobes on the cam were too tall and barely missed the lobes on the counter balances of the crank...by mere thousandths of an inch. It never gave me any trouble and I ran it pretty hard, on some days.

Ok...enough, I'm starting to feel my "gear head" pulse starting to increase. :smiley_coolpeace:
I'd better get off of here and go watch another "rock crawler" video, on YouTube. :smiley_blink:
This will get you in the mood! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbqfNlVj3wg&feature=g-like&context=G2267150ALTx11uwAAAA

finelyshedded said:
Very nice BH57!
Thank you and I miss it more than either my 1st of 2nd wives. :smiley_blink: Better performance and less BS.

I had that machine over 110 mph and could goose the gas and it would snap your head back into the seats' head rest.
I have no idea of the top end.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the additional info BH57! The numbers were a bit rusty in my head as it has been 15-20yrs since I have messed much with them. I still have an engine built and ready to drop in if I were to ever find the right project. I put my 36mm socket on the end and turn over the engine occasionally with a little fresh oil. Figure I better do this at a bare minimum if I ever want to use it. If not, I might go to drop it into a project someday and find it frozen.


Junior Member
Belpre, Ohio
Life for me has always revolved around sports. Football and Baseball took up most of my time in high school. While away at college, I soon realized that playing competitive sports had become a lifestyle and missed those times so I tried out for the Rugby team at tOSU and played for 2 years. Weight training was and is still a major of hobby of mine spending 3-4 days a week in the gym. Ive played golf since my freshman year of HS and this past summer was spent battling Jesse once or twice a week for bragging rights. In all reality made us both better golfers with hell of a lot of beer consumed. :smiley_clap: Between Golf and the Gym these 2 hobbies have become my escape. Hunting has become a new hobby as of 3 years ago and has grown. I dont hunt as much as I'd like to but when I do I sure am grateful for the time I get. Im always up for trying new things. I dabble here and there until i get bored and then move on to the next new "great" idea. This may not be a hobby but spending time with my friends and family has become more of priceless luxury the older I get. One can never take for granted good people.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Life for me has always revolved around sports. Football and Baseball took up most of my time in high school. While away at college, I soon realized that playing competitive sports had become a lifestyle and missed those times so I tried out for the Rugby team at tOSU and played for 2 years. Weight training was and is still a major of hobby of mine spending 3-4 days a week in the gym. Ive played golf since my freshman year of HS and this past summer was spent battling Jesse once or twice a week for bragging rights. In all reality made us both better golfers with hell of a lot of beer consumed. :smiley_clap: Between Golf and the Gym these 2 hobbies have become my escape. Hunting has become a new hobby as of 3 years ago and has grown. I dont hunt as much as I'd like to but when I do I sure am grateful for the time I get. Im always up for trying new things. I dabble here and there until i get bored and then move on to the next new "great" idea. This may not be a hobby but spending time with my friends and family has become more of priceless luxury the older I get. One can never take for granted good people.

your arms are small.......: )