Didn't think I would get out. Garrett had a soccer tournament. Made it to the championship game. Tied 1-1 at end of regulation. Tied 1-1 at end of 2 over time periods. Went to a shoot out. They won in round 7. Then we had the award ceremony. Long story short, I am a proud dad tonight and still was settled in by 5pm. Later than I like but better than nothing.
5min After I am settled in a guy on neighboring property starts rattling. Half hour later does it again. Ugh. Eventually had a solo button buck come thru. Short while later a year old buck comes thru. Short while later the button buck was hustling back the way he came in with the young buck following him pushing him. Young buck was either thoroughly confused or maybe just an Obama supporter. Not sure.

Hours hunted: 2.25
Deer seen: 2 deer
5min After I am settled in a guy on neighboring property starts rattling. Half hour later does it again. Ugh. Eventually had a solo button buck come thru. Short while later a year old buck comes thru. Short while later the button buck was hustling back the way he came in with the young buck following him pushing him. Young buck was either thoroughly confused or maybe just an Obama supporter. Not sure.

Hours hunted: 2.25
Deer seen: 2 deer