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Poacher busted


Senior Member
Supporting Member
How about this one...

So probably about 26 years ago I was hunting in SE Ohio with a group that did a lot of driving for deer in the EVWA area. One of the newer members of the group had access to quite a few private properties. Being a young kid i was often on stand and not always in the best locations.

So anyways... we're hunting this property and my brother i were dropped off asking this gravel road and told to spread out and cover this valley in front of us and we'd hear the drivers coming through and then we'd get picked up. He and I move into the woods and i find a tree to sit down and lean against.

A few minutes later a sheriff's deputy car rolls up, window goes down and he waves at me to come to him. I'm nervous but i go up and he asks my name and if i know who's property I'm on. I said I'm hunting with xxx and here's the list of permissions for the properties we were going to hunt but no i don't know where i am. He said he knows xxx and to go back to hunting but to keep my eyes open because he's seen a few really nice deer in this woods.

He drives on past, turns around drive back past me and then stops. I look back and he's parked, window is down and i can see his service revolver barrel poking out of the window.

The drive goes on, and my Dad comes to pick us up. He sees the sheriff and asks him if we were okay. The sheriff says yeah but he didn't know if my brother and i could shoot and there's some good deer in that woods and wanted to back us up.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
So probably about 26 years ago I was hunting in SE Ohio with a group that did a lot of driving for deer in the EVWA area. One of the newer members of the group had access to quite a few private properties. Being a young kid i was often on stand and not always in the best locations.

So anyways... we're hunting this property and my brother i were dropped off asking this gravel road and told to spread out and cover this valley in front of us and we'd hear the drivers coming through and then we'd get picked up. He and I move into the woods and i find a tree to sit down and lean against.

A few minutes later a sheriff's deputy car rolls up, window goes down and he waves at me to come to him. I'm nervous but i go up and he asks my name and if i know who's property I'm on. I said I'm hunting with xxx and here's the list of permissions for the properties we were going to hunt but no i don't know where i am. He said he knows xxx and to go back to hunting but to keep my eyes open because he's seen a few really nice deer in this woods.

He drives on past, turns around drive back past me and then stops. I look back and he's parked, window is down and i can see his service revolver barrel poking out of the window.

The drive goes on, and my Dad comes to pick us up. He sees the sheriff and asks him if we were okay. The sheriff says yeah but he didn't know if my brother and i could shoot and there's some good deer in that woods and wanted to back us up.
Always good to have back up !!! Lol

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
In the town where I grew up, the police chief of Monroe township got caught years ago spotlighting deer in Maine. Because of who he was, he was allowed to leave and he never went back to face the charges. He still has a warrant for his arrest if he ever gets caught in Maine.
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*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
A few years ago we were seeing a big deer hanging out in a field almost everynight. Multiple times there was a sheriff sitting at the pull off watching him. We even talked to him about the deer it wasn't to long after that pictures of him holding that buck still in his uniform started floating around. It could of been hit by a car but just always seemed weird how it all played out.
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I called in one of our local PD for spot lighting. They acted like he was doing his job. Told me "we can spot light areas and check on things." Umm. . .maybe so, but 200-300yds into the field where there are no houses or businesses isn't exactly keeping the community safe. Plus, as I drove by and saw him he had deer lit up. Not saying he was going to shoot any of them, but if I'm not allowed them neither are they.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio

At the beginning of November, pictures started circulating the internet of a massive 200+ inch buck killed in Ohio. Details were somewhat sketchy and not a lot of people seemed to know the story. Turns out the reason was that the buck was poached and the poacher was trying to pass it off as a legit kill.
As a lot of people know Ohio is a one buck state, meaning that a hunter can only kill one antlered deer. So if you shoot your buck early then you are left to hunting does and if a real monster walks by you just have to let him go. At least that is how it is supposed to happen.
According to Woodbury Outfitters, Junior Troyer shot a 130 inch 8 point on the morning of November 7th. He went back out that evening to presumably shoot a doe, but a 26 point monster stepped out instead. Greed got the best of Junior and he killed it. Then came the cover-up.
He decapitated both bucks taking the body of the 8 pointer and the head of the 26 pointer as one buck and tagged it in. The next morning, he returned and took the headless body of the 26 pointer and checked it in as a doe. In the meantime, he took the head of the 8 pointer and threw it in a ditch which law enforcement later recovered.
He may have gotten away with it, but it turns out other hunters noticed a buck that size and were tracking him on trail cam.

When they saw that the buck had been killed they did a little digging. They found the taxidermist that had the buck and checked out the antlers. The story the got from the taxidermist did not match what they knew about the buck. So the contacted the game warden. The game warden paid Junior a visit and during their conversation, he admitted to the whole thing.
Junior pleaded no contest to five charges. (1) providing false information while game-checking a deer; (2), attaching a game-check number to a deer that was originally issued to another; (3) taking more than one antlered deer in a licensed year; (4) possessing deer or deer parts (26-pointer) without valid tag and/ or permit; and (5), attaching an antlerless doe game-check number to an antlered deer.
He was fined $150 on each charge and another $87 for court costs. France then ordered Troyer to pay a $27,904.46 “restitution” fine to the state of Ohio for the value of the deer. Total in fines $28741.46. He also had his hunting privileges suspended for 2 years and sentenced to 60 days in jail.
The judge said if he paid his fine in full he would reduce his suspension to one year and suspend his jail time. Junior pulled out his checkbook and wrote a check for the entire amount.
So what happened to the buck? That buck will probably join other poached deer on the Ohio Department of resources Wall of Shame. It travels the state as a reminder to would be poachers that crime does not pay.

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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
View attachment 142177
At the beginning of November, pictures started circulating the internet of a massive 200+ inch buck killed in Ohio. Details were somewhat sketchy and not a lot of people seemed to know the story. Turns out the reason was that the buck was poached and the poacher was trying to pass it off as a legit kill.
As a lot of people know Ohio is a one buck state, meaning that a hunter can only kill one antlered deer. So if you shoot your buck early then you are left to hunting does and if a real monster walks by you just have to let him go. At least that is how it is supposed to happen.
According to Woodbury Outfitters, Junior Troyer shot a 130 inch 8 point on the morning of November 7th. He went back out that evening to presumably shoot a doe, but a 26 point monster stepped out instead. Greed got the best of Junior and he killed it. Then came the cover-up.
He decapitated both bucks taking the body of the 8 pointer and the head of the 26 pointer as one buck and tagged it in. The next morning, he returned and took the headless body of the 26 pointer and checked it in as a doe. In the meantime, he took the head of the 8 pointer and threw it in a ditch which law enforcement later recovered.
He may have gotten away with it, but it turns out other hunters noticed a buck that size and were tracking him on trail cam.
View attachment 142179
When they saw that the buck had been killed they did a little digging. They found the taxidermist that had the buck and checked out the antlers. The story the got from the taxidermist did not match what they knew about the buck. So the contacted the game warden. The game warden paid Junior a visit and during their conversation, he admitted to the whole thing.
Junior pleaded no contest to five charges. (1) providing false information while game-checking a deer; (2), attaching a game-check number to a deer that was originally issued to another; (3) taking more than one antlered deer in a licensed year; (4) possessing deer or deer parts (26-pointer) without valid tag and/ or permit; and (5), attaching an antlerless doe game-check number to an antlered deer.
He was fined $150 on each charge and another $87 for court costs. France then ordered Troyer to pay a $27,904.46 “restitution” fine to the state of Ohio for the value of the deer. Total in fines $28741.46. He also had his hunting privileges suspended for 2 years and sentenced to 60 days in jail.
The judge said if he paid his fine in full he would reduce his suspension to one year and suspend his jail time. Junior pulled out his checkbook and wrote a check for the entire amount.
So what happened to the buck? That buck will probably join other poached deer on the Ohio Department of resources Wall of Shame. It travels the state as a reminder to would be poachers that crime does not pay.
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View attachment 142181
So the moral of the story, if you have the cash you can buy your way outta of this kind of situation….. The suspension time shoulda of been more severe and not reduced….

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason hunted our place yesterday morning. He heard two rifle shots, half an hour apart. He believes they came from the Mennonite neighbor’s house. No proof, but we have not had a big deer on our place since shortly after they moved in. I remember a conversation with him one day that @hickslawns and Garrett were witness too... the man said he needed help killing off the deer. I think he’s been pretty successful. I hate the ebb and flows of wildlife populations in localized areas, especially when it’s obvious cause is a fool pulling the trigger.