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Pocket Knives & Daily Carry Items


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The conversation in the other thread made me think of this thread. I used to carry a glass breaker/strap cutter on my visor. Not sure why I ever got away from that. I've also had knives with the glass breaker. They will weara hole in your pocket pretty quick. But some food for thought here.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
The conversation in the other thread made me think of this thread. I used to carry a glass breaker/strap cutter on my visor. Not sure why I ever got away from that. I've also had knives with the glass breaker. They will weara hole in your pocket pretty quick. But some food for thought here.

I carry a 380 glass breaker. I can get everyone's glass in about 3 seconds. Lil loud though. 😅.

Try poking around in here. Some quality brands in here. Take that thing you posted and put it in someone's Christmas exchange.
Thanks, @giles , I never noticed this forum. 👍
I agree with you about the Ugly Stick knife, as far as re-gifting it. It was only $17 at Walmart, but I've got plenty of other good knives that will get the job done. 🙂
Here's one that I picked up at our county gun show. It's a Boker Kalashnikov and I've used it for field dressing a couple of deer already and it did quiet a good job.
Kal 1.jpg

Kal 2.jpg

Kal 3.jpg

Left field

Active Member
Thanks, @giles , I never noticed this forum. 👍
I agree with you about the Ugly Stick knife, as far as re-gifting it. It was only $17 at Walmart, but I've got plenty of other good knives that will get the job done. 🙂
Here's one that I picked up at our county gun show. It's a Boker Kalashnikov and I've used it for field dressing a couple of deer already and it did quiet a good job.
View attachment 164718
View attachment 164719
View attachment 164720
A guy in my platoon had 1 in his truck heavy sombitch


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I’ve got a Hogue that I carry every day. The spoon clip broke the week before my trip too Ohio. Looked online and it was $15 which ok, I’ll order one. Most places were out of stock. Hogue wasn’t. But the shipping was as much as the part. Kind of ridiculous, so I emailed them. Basically told them I have no problem paying their asking for the part, but wasn’t happy with that price for shipping.
I hadn’t checked my email while in Ohio, and when I got home I saw where they asked for my address as they were shipping the part too me. Free of charge. Was a little shocked, as I wasn’t expecting that. Free/reduced shipping? Sure, that was what I was hoping for. But I guess if your tactful and give them a chance, they’ll redeem themselves.
View attachment 166368
This is wear the clip snapped off.
View attachment 166369

And it arrived and I’m back in business
