I don't see Mom needing credit in the future. Screw them. Lol
Insurance company is booting dad off rehabilitation. Mom called today and appealed the decision. They did a reevaluation. We shall see how it plays out. We meet with Hospice Saturday. There is a new Hospice section in the hospital. We are thinking the patient to nurse ratio HAS to be better there. Nursing homes can only do so much. Plus the confusion is more common than the clarity now. Hospitals can offer better meds than nursing home. No more falls. Better medicines. More nurses. Let's let the man die with some freaking dignity for crying out loud. Two months ago he was diagnosed. Prior to this he was "Dad". Now he is some old guy laying in a bed, confused, mostly immobile, and NOT "Dad." I'm praying for a miracle, but it would require divine intervention. I'm a realist. It is time to get him somewhere he can get some quality care and conclude this journey with a little bit of dignity. Probably sounds harsh. If it doesn't sound harsh, then I am sorry. . . .Because you have been through this as well.