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Products that really work


The Crew
A couple of threads here and there has got me thinking.

Which deer hunting products that you have experiance with has performed as expected or as advertized. Be it a cover scent, rut scent, food plot seed or whatever?

Doesn't have to be scientific, just if you feel the product is worth buying. Personally I still find that most products are just targeted for the hunter.:)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
None of them. They're all gimmicks. Piss Scents, Bag of baits, acorn crunchers, 90% of the grunt tubes on the market sound nothing like a deer grunt. and the list goes on. Cept the Smoker :)


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Scent Smoker is about the only product that works as advertised that I can think of right now.


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
I've had excellent luck with the Deer View Mirror. Can't tell you how many times it has alerted me to deer sneaking in behind me

Ok, so I'm lying...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I've had excellent luck with the Deer View Mirror. Can't tell you how many times it has alerted me to deer sneaking in behind me

Ok, so I'm lying...

Pffft.. I upgraded to the Recon Scout Perimeter Monitoring Device 1000... I have 6 perimeter scanners out that monitor every trail via IR and alerts me to my wrist watch if movement is detected...

I wish i made that product up..


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Pffft.. I upgraded to the Recon Scout Perimeter Monitoring Device 1000... I have 6 perimeter scanners out that monitor every trail via IR and alerts me to my wrist watch if movement is detected...

I wish i made that product up..

I've got the old version of that, the Recon Scout Perimeter Monitoring Device 1.0. It's a trip wire with bells that you secure across all trails leading to your stand. I kept getting false alarms with squirrels and chipmunks, so I threw it away. Looks like the new upgraded unit might be worth trying...


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
One thing I have my parents bought me for my mt. lion trip 12+ years ago is a Cabelas wool sweater lined with "windstopper" fabric. After years of hard use its still in decent shape. I'll buy another when this one wears out. Not cheap at around $150 but worth the money late season hunting or icefishing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Things that work that I like? I'm really only enthusiastic about a few things -
1) Scentsmoker
2) I bought a camo bible case (go figure) at a yard sale for $0.50. About the size of a medium book with two zippers - I use it to carry all the little junk and my permission slips/ohio regs/snacks - use it like a man-purse and just throw it in the pack.
3) The knife I use - has a clip for carrying on my front pocket. Good knife. Thinkin I might get a guthook knife though, might be a good investment.
Gerber Easyout Skeleton http://www.gerbergear.com/index.php/product/id/203
3) Carhartt bibs - absolutely love 'em, my favorite things


Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
1. Scent smoker
2. Summit Viper Climber
3. Rage 2-blade (so far on one deer)
4. Butt-out tool :)


Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
I have personally had luck using Special Golden estrous deer scent, and I will say that the Thermacell is great for keeping mosquitos away.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm on the Scent Smoker bandwagon.

The Primos can has worked a couple times for sure.

The Slick Trick broadhead I used this year put the deer down, but that's not saying some other broadhead wouldn't do the same on a similar hit.

I love my PSE Super G bow.

My lucky red thong.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm on the Scent Smoker bandwagon.

The Primos can has worked a couple times for sure.

The Slick Trick broadhead I used this year put the deer down, but that's not saying some other broadhead wouldn't do the same on a similar hit.
I love my PSE Super G bow.

My lucky red thong.

Slicktrick - Yeah, I forgot about that - the two I've shot so far have flown true and crushed bone and been pass-thru's - but I'm using the 1" 4blade and the blood trails haven't been all that great...but it hasn't mattered thus far


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Slicktrick - Yeah, I forgot about that - the two I've shot so far have flown true and crushed bone and been pass-thru's - but I'm using the 1" 4blade and the blood trails haven't been all that great...but it hasn't mattered thus far

Same here, my blood trail was awful at first, until he ran uphill. Uphill?!?!? It was a steep ass hill! WTF???
Anyway... my hit was high in the back and also a pass through. So my situation is not good to judge with such a high hit. It took awhile for the cavity to fill before the blood trail was evident.