Well the rains moving in with a little thunder off in the distance. Cooled off a few degrees and the winds picked up some. Sitting here in the rocking chair on the front porch enjoying a stoggie and a beer....
I guess it got pretty wild for a few. I woke up to my phone freaking out and took cover in the basement. Just crawled out. Powers out and the house is still here. I can’t find anything online yet about surrounding damage.
Yup, with the no sleep, I actually called in this morning. Not like me to do that. I just couldn’t stay awake though. Guessing I’ll be packing the saw and going for a drive here shortly. She who needs help.
Tornado hit hard in southern WV where one of my former co-workers lives. Those people were already having a tough time without that mess. @finelyshedded texted last night warning "those east of me" about the crazy storms. I checked the radar before bed and most of it was going to break up before it made it to our corner. It was pretty violent here, but not as bad as Tuesday night. Blue skies and crazy winds here now.
I can’t believe I waited till 11:15 last night to start taking the 3 deer mounts over our fireplace down to the basement! Karissa’s deer went first then my two but didn’t have time to gather up all the sheds. They will be taken downstairs today though as nader season is upon us.