Where’s his dog bed?
He's eaten them, every one of them

They DO NOT last, trust me in that, I've tried many times.
The concrete floor is lukewarm near the stove, plus he has his choice of either laying on the drop down rug right next to him, or on the sofa or on the recliner that I have in the shop just feet away from him in the photo but, he much prefers being right near the hot stove when it's this cold out. He does sleep on the sofa or the chair generally. He can roam where he pleases, it's his choice.
1:42 p.m. EDIT:
As an added side note; all three of them were abandon in the middle of nowhere. 'TieDye' was dropped off 6 years ago at my last place this time of the year in record sub-zero degree weather. 'Star', in the middle of January was being chased by a pair of coyotes in the middle of the night a few years back not far from my current place, and finally, 'Oreo', once again, was dropped off right in front of our current place right here in Ross Co. I have been rescuing animals for nearly 20 years and these three will most likely be my last. Two pits, and a portuguese terrier mix I do believe. All three of them have it made now and for the most part, all of them have been great dogs!