Facebook amateur meteorologists should be shot. I've seen predictions as high as 29" for our area. Our local weather guys have yet to predict inches. Weather channel app has 12-25" forecast and has had it this high since 5-6 days out from the storm. With snow, you get an idea a few days out on inches and adjust as it gets closer. Totally irresponsible of weather channel to induce panic.
Fort Wayne ABC21 guy posted a plausible outcome tonight on Facebook. Even so, he added plenty of cautious words such as "we will know more as it gets closer" or "this can still wobble north or south seriously changing inch totals." He added disclaimers with reasons why.
Either way. . . Sounds like I'm in for a dandy. Two day storm in two waves. Going to be a long duration event. We have plans for equipment, operators, fuel, and even a staging area for cots, sleeping bags, food, and supplies within one of the plazas we maintain. Hopefully we won't need to use them. BUT. . .if the 2-3' of snow predictions happen we could have guys stranded. You just can't get around with trucks in 2' of snow. Got to leave them on location to plow every few inches so they can keep up.