I lived just above Champaign in Rantoul, for 3 years
I’ll volunteer my talentsJ you are gonna have so much fun watching what is about to happen. The one that does hurt us in the south is we have way less in the way of snow removal equipment, now that are saying there is a manpower shortage due to covid on top it.
6 degrees here with all that. Rest my friend and let the sun come up!Wtf, calling for 3-4" today?! Someone break me outa this joint! Time to go
You’d really get a laugh listening too the news right about now….Lol, sorry J, hate to see it for ya but I'm laughing right now!
Yep, I’m in the new snowbeltYou've gotten more snow than us this year.
You’re in a tough area where a lake can create its own weather. I give them a little lee way on that account….Here on the hill south of lake Erie in Pa. we are to get !8"+ so we should have either 10" or 24" by Tuesday morning. You say my math doesn't make sense? But you believe the weather people... They have predicted 16 of the last 4 storms we've had here in the past couple years!
I've lived here 63 years and the guys in the 1970's were more accurate then today. These knuckle draggers and weather dames can't even get the wind direction right. They would do better to take their faces out of their computers and walk outside and look up for a more accurate forecast...You’re in a tough area where a lake can create its own weather. I give them a little lee way on that account….