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Ricers 2013-2014 Hunting Haps and Mishaps


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good stuff. I am with Dante. I wouldn't be complaining about seeing does and fawns. My first hunt of the year I saw 6 bucks and two button bucks. Second hunt I was skunked. This is a bit out of character for the two woods I was hunting. Making me nervous but that was only one day.


Senior Member
Good stuff. I am with Dante. I wouldn't be complaining about seeing does and fawns. My first hunt of the year I saw 6 bucks and two button bucks. Second hunt I was skunked. This is a bit out of character for the two woods I was hunting. Making me nervous but that was only one day.

Oh no. Don't get me wrong not complaining, where there are does there are bucks. I just wanna take their picture! Haha


Senior Member
I got all my stuff done today and a little more. I pulled my card on my first property and only had 12 pictures, all does. I can't understand why I had 86 pics there last week and 12 there this week. Thinking maybe they aren't frequenting the field as often with us starting to get some acorns. But anyway I switched the cards out and headed back to the truck. I made it within 100 yards and was trying to keep from busting my arse walking through a ton of walnuts on the ground so I went in to the truck and got a couple feed sacks I had in the truck. I headed back up and picked up the two feed sacks full and left a couple hundred more laying there,dad was happy and I dumped them in the driveway.

I headed to my second property and grabbed two feed sacks of apples outta the back and head for the TC. The ground was slick where I have been dropping the apples. I dropped the apples, deer corn, and chestnuts there just a week ago and it was all gone. I opened up the TC and had 1169 photos in one week! I had a lot of coons but there probably wasn't a dozen pictures where there were only coons in the pic, there were always does there TOO. I did have pics this time of three different little bucks this time. Two little sixes and a 100" eight. I also got one quick glimpse of the yote again TOO. I think as the site gets more and more traffic the bigger bucks will start to show and get less leery of it. One way or another 1169 pics in seven days is a lot of pics! But I dropped 100# of apples and swapped the card and headed back to the truck. I noticed the leaves are really starting to fall and I will be making my first trip to the stand very soon.


Senior Member
Here's a couple pics of the little scrape under the apple tree.


Senior Member
I haven't written for a while but I am still getting some serious pictures, 1340 in 7 days, on my cams. No big buck pics but tons of does, fawns, little bucks(a spike 2 sixes and a hundred inch 8)and a few coons. I have seen the little bucks sparring a little and have been finding more and more scrapes. I have been giving the SS a workout tonight, it's getting a very nice patina TOO it I must say, because I am planning on shooting outta work right at quitting time and getting in the tree. I can make it into the tree by 3:30 if I don't have to smoke all my stuff so I am smoking it tonight and getting it in my new tote. I still plan on smoking myself from head to toe and my bow then high tailing it to my stand.
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Senior Member
I made it into one of my stands tonight for the first time. I hung this stand about a month ago and cannot believe how much it has opened up! Here are some pics.
No bucks tonight but I know they are in the vicinity. Three does moved early, about 4:15. Still a beautiful night to be in the stand.
I also have to add that I tried out the Carbomask I got from Jesse who got it from Milo. Milo sells this. But anyway this stuff is awesome! No greasy feeling, dries to a matte finish and doesn't get all over stuff ya don't want it TOO. And I honestly have never used anything that cleans up this easy. Jesse told me that all he does is carry a container if scent free baby wipes to clean up with and I thought yeah right. He wasn't kidding, one wipe and it's gone! This is an awesome product. If you're a face paint person you have got to give this stuff a try.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am using the same camo compact I got in basic training 20yrs ago. lol My kids asked me why I had baby wipes in my vehicle. Told them it was to clean up after their dirty/stinky kid butts got out of my truck.

Getting close to the golden time of year Don. I hope the new property pays you some good dividends!


Senior Member
Got out and checked my cams today and had 1100 pictures from three cams. I had a new buck this past week in the apple pile, no shooter though maybe 100". I had my 7 year old nephew tagging along with me today. My SIL said he hasn't shut up since he got back. Haha. We found some buckeyes, which were like gold to him and I showed him a scrape and a couple rubs. He also got to hear some choice words when I picked up a bag of apples and got lit up by a stinkin hornet. I haven't been stung by a hornet in a while. I forgot how bad that hurts. I got stung by a yellow jacket last week and was about like getting a shot. That hornet felt like I got shot. I told my nephew that people name all the bucks they get on camera so he named the new buck we saw "Cliff". Where he came up with that I have no idea. I said do ya think that hornet that stung me was a boy or girl? He said probably a boy. I said do you want to name him then? He said yes, that wasn't a nice thing to do so we will name him "Peckerhead". That definitely made it feel better. Here's a couple pics of my helper today.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the chuckle Don. Way to teach that nephew how to spit and cuss. Exactly what uncles are for. lmao