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Ricers 2013-2014 Hunting Haps and Mishaps


Senior Member
Thanks for the well wishes guys but no big bear today. Little bear no big bear. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1377655408.666544.jpg
I did get quite the hair rising experience tonight though. About 10 minutes after legal shooting light, which is very generous because it gets dark up here so quick in certain spots that the legal light limit really doesn't even apply. But anyway it was about 8:00 and I could just make out the shape of the bait barrel and that was about it. I was in a new stand location waiting for my guide to come get me, he doesn't let us walk out by ourselves in the dark, when I heard a little rustling up to my right in a big blackberry patch. I was straining my eyes for the bait barrel, which I could barely make out, when I see two little black balls appear by it. I heard some more rustling off to my right and couldn't make out any shapes but could just hear steps, now mind you its just light enough to see shapes in a clear area so I ain't seeing nothing in the thick stuff. The walking gets closer and closer to my stand until its within about 5 yards and then paces back and forth in front of my stand. The walking them proceeds up to the right of my stand then back down in front of my stand and stops right in front of me, by now you can't see anything 5 feet away let alone 5 yards. My guide texts me to let me know he's on his way in to get me and I explain to him what's going on so he will know what to expect. It's about a thirty minute walk to get back into this stand and I have no problem telling you it was quite the relief to see his headlamp. Come to find out the momma and little ones slipped out past the bait barrel and down towards the river when they heard him coming. Here is what the cover is like at this stand location.
To the front. 18 yards to the barrel.
To my left.
To my right.
Old haul road behind me.
Needless to say it was a little thick.


*Supporting Member*
I would have been scared to death knowing a Momma with her cubs in tote, was that close!

Thanks for the update!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Tremendous write up of your adventure tonight! I was right there with you Don. What a rush! Glad you got to see some bears today.


Senior Member
Good luck today Don! Hey, what weapon are you using to catch one with? Regardless, good luck!!!

Sorry Ric, didn't mean to make it appear like I was ignoring ya. I'm hunting with my 1187 12 gauge with my slug barrel and rifled slugs. All of us here are carrying slug guns with the exception of one who is carrying a 30-06.
And for you Milo, I have two words for ya,
I'm bringin' the stick slinger next time after I kill one with my boom stick.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sorry Ric, didn't mean to make it appear like I was ignoring ya. I'm hunting with my 1187 12 gauge with my slug barrel and rifled slugs. All of us here are carrying slug guns with the exception of one who is carrying a 30-06.
And for you Milo, I have two words for ya,
I'm bringin' the stick slinger next time after I kill one with my boom stick.

No problemo Don.

Your response to Milo made me lol though....

Great pics man, keep em coming!


Senior Member
Hey guys and gals. Nothing dragging tonight but my a$$. We didn't hunt this morning because we had to go try to find the one that our one guy said he got last night but, no good. Ron went back out last night and took a shirt look but said if he hit it were he said he did that the best thing to do would be to back out and leave it lay down. So went back this morning and found absolutely nothing, no fur, no blood, nothing. Looked like a clean miss. I was back in my original stand tonight and really didn't think it was even worth going out. It was 82 degrees and the combination if that and the unbelievable blackberry crop has made it super tough hunting so far. I have never seen blackberries like this before, jus literally falling off the vines and they are everywhere. But I got in there and got all settled in about 2:00 and was ready to give it a try. About 3:30 I could hear the faint rumble of thunder and kept an eye to the sky and it looked like it was going to go around us, WRONG! About 4:00 the wind got crazy and the skies opened up. It poured and thundered and lightninged for close to an hour. It only took one glimpse of lightning and I was down the tree and in a pine thicket under the shortest tree I could find. I stayed pretty dry for the first half hour but as hard as it was pouring I was soaked to the skin by 5:00 which coincidently was about the time it stopped. I thought what the hell I'm soaked now I might as well get back in the stand and hunt the best part of the evening, so back up the stand I go. I really thought the bears would move after that because rain and wind will shut them down right now. But the next 2 1/2 hours past with no bears and at about 7:30 I could hear the faint rumble of thunder again. My guide doesn't like for us to walk out in the dark without him so I text him and said I would meet him at the gate since it wasn't pitch black out yet, thinking that would save us some time and I would be 1/4 mile closer to the truck. I text him again to let him know I was at the gate and all was good and he said he was on his way as the sprinkles began again. I had no idea where or who he was picking up but I thought it can't be too long and it didn't have to be because once again the skies parted and it rained so hard you couldn't see for fifteen feet in front of you. FUGG soaked again! So that is the how my third day in bear camp came to a conclusion as I set hear and listen for the buzzer on the drier to go off.