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Rotator cuff

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I may have some rotator cuff issues, hurts like hell during the night, can’t move it in the morning, gets better as the day goes.

saw my shoulder surgeon yesterday and he said it is all symptoms of a rotator cuff injury. Going for an mri in 2 weeks. I have been using some KT tape, which helps some. Today I mowed everything which takes several hours and the bouncing makes my shoulder about useless by the end.

I searched rotator cuff on here and there are lots of threads, we are a pretty dang old bunch.

my question is has anyone used a brace to help support your shoulder?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did they give you an injection in it yet? Just got an injection in my right one a couple weeks ago..Helped alot but not perfect still having issues, just hoping I don't need surgery. Good luck
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Active Member
Carbon, In
Get this stuff....seriously!



Senior Member
OTC Voltaren and 4% lidocaine patches (Salonpas, Aspercreme, Icy Hot) will probably give you temporary relief, but a real diagnosis and treatment is what you need. If your rotator cuff isn't torn, physical therapy will probably get you back to normal. worked well for me, anyway.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Did they give you an injection in it yet? Just got an injection in my right one a couple weeks ago..Helped alot but not perfect still having issues, just hoping I don't need surgery. Good luck
Not yet, just had my first appointment, did X-rays but need to do an MRI to see if there is damage and if so how much. I got an injection in my other shoulder a few months ago and it has helped.


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Sounds like you're on the right path to wellness- good luck!

I picked up some high test CBD cream in CO last month and it has been very helpful on the spasms in my back and shoulder... if thats an option to get some in OH.
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Active Member
Carbon, In
If its a small enough tear they wont even recommend surgery. It has to be pretty bad for them to surgically repair it. Any surgery causes scar tissue and if its small, they say doing surgery has the opposite effect due to the residual scar tissue. If you can still draw a bow, I wouldnt think its bad enough for surgery. Im trying to be the good news fairy today.
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