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Sad Day For America


Dignitary Member
Staff member
All this is bullspit, gay marriage, Obamacare, confederate flag, etc. while we're paying attention to this the country is circling the drain.

Has been for a while buddy. Not really much we can do about it. Our political system is nothing but a big slight of hand trick. It doesn't matter red or blue. They're both out to scew people. China is whipping out ass. People are lazy and have no work ethic. Everyone thinks they're entitled. We continue to let the voice of a few drown out that of many. Political correctness is destroying us. Drugs are rampant and eating away at society. Cops are armed to the teeth. And the list could go on. We're heading for a big collapse, with that usually comes civil war. That's not a bad thing necessarily. Every country goes through cycles. Think of the once great nations that are now poor or no longer exists. Nobody stays king of the mountain forever. What makes me laugh about it all is I know Ole Robert lee is looking down and laughing saying. "We told you that union government was too big for its britches."


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
You know what, none of you agree with me and that's fine. I've said before I shouldn't post here anymore, I think it's time again. Thank you all who have been there for us. There's a lot of goodness on this site, and we appreciate all that has been done for us.


Dale, shake it off and come back tomorrow. The majority of us think the same for 99% of things, dont let this 1% throw ya off. We are a family and ure part of it. I'd be disappointed if you let this get between us brothers.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Ya gota take the good bad and ugly and sift thru it ta find your way. None of ya all wood be able ta roll the way ya do without government -laws and a civilized society. Interstate highways don't grow on trees. I don't really give a shit what the gays and lezos do but i wood take out those fudge packn priests


Senior Member
If Two queers wanna suck each other off and get married.... then so be it.... in the end they have to meet their maker... am I perfect? Nope... I sin everyday....

That being said..... it would be fine of it stopped there.... but it won't.... people will be sued because they won't marry two queers and then there will be queer rights..... bla bla bla

The better days are over. This country is in imminent death..... this is the exact reason I debated not having children.... I fear what my child will have to deal with....
If any of you think this is only about gay marriage you need to open your eyes, it's a big test and a giant win for creating law for the whole country from the judge's bench. If Obama or any president for that matter cannot get Congress to act and do things they way they want then they have better odds with a 5/4 split every time!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hey Rick is the rage shooter,not i.. uploadfromtaptalk1435411885198.jpeg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
If any of you think this is only about gay marriage you need to open your eyes, it's a big test and a giant win for creating law for the whole country from the judge's bench. If Obama or any president for that matter cannot get Congress to act and do things they way they want then they have better odds with a 5/4 split every time!

I agree. It's not about one thing....it's a small part of the whole rancid package.


*Supporting Member*
If any of you think this is only about gay marriage you need to open your eyes, it's a big test and a giant win for creating law for the whole country from the judge's bench. If Obama or any president for that matter cannot get Congress to act and do things they way they want then they have better odds with a 5/4 split every time!

Yea, that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I agree. It's not about one thing....it's a small part of the whole rancid package.

I recommend buying some AR's and precious metals. With the reaction I am seeing in general, especially with those on FB, Hillary is going to be the winner.

People cannot see past their noses and short term self interest.