SERIOUSLY? Im bangin my head against the wall here? Really? Can I BE that stupid? what a night...So I set the stage with my blind. its a 360 view with leafy3d all over it. there are three well placed large trees around it which gives me a great place to reposition and/or draw without being seen. So tonight I go out with full intentions of trying to draw in the buck I saw working the scrapes yesterday. I decided to wait either until i saw him or 4:30 (yesterday I saw him around 4). So at 4:27 I rattled a good one and at exactly 4:28 there he was. Wow. really? Ok so he comes over and walks the upper bank say 22 yards and never offers me a shot where there wasnt twigs. I almost started videoing him as he got further away but he turned sharper away. I grunted..didnt phase him. I wheezed at him he stopped dead and looked back. then he walked on, I wheezeed again with more matter of fact Im-gonna-kick-your-a$$ deflection. He stopped dead again and stared my direction. He then walked away...about ten acres or so to the corn field on the other side of the woods and dissapeard. So this whole time Im texting one of my teammates on here about it and I rattled again a two part short sequence and in minutes hes back all the way across and headed to cross the river. theres one of those trees there so I couldnt shoot at him when he stopped in the middle. Then he thought better and backed out. I thought he was behind the tree so I waited forever and peeked around looking for anything to tell me he was still there but the squirrel action later told me he was gone. Lit a cigarette and calmed my nereves. the only place he could have gone on that point without me seeing him was downstream along the bank. Im texting my teammate agian. I said...So what he might do then is cross the river downstream and circle around and sneak back through the corn to see wth is going on out here. Two hours later I hear the corn and I can tell by the sound its antlers. Bow up and ready cause whatever it is will be close when it exits the corn. DAMN, its him. Hes a good taller ten point, maybe eleven as he was in the river hes got somethin strang going on inside his main beams. So hes gonna take the same path as the last two bucks I shot or shot at. So when he is behind the tree...I draw...and wait..and peek...shit is he going to go down in the quarry? Thats strange..then he grazes. I have to let down. I can always draw again if he starts to move or looks away. Right?................As I'm letting my bow down...........i touch the trigger...end of story...he is gone out to 60 yds. Another brand new arrow and slick trick gone who knows where. Shot right in front of his nose I think. Didnt even knew what happened till I looked down and Chit - no arrow. Dang it. I grunted and wheezed at him and got him to stop and look twice but he said, nope. Im drowning in a beer now. This really is the last straw. I left early. I did manage to find my arrow and go home.