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Shooting my recurve


Senior Member
View attachment 22803View attachment 22804 I have been shooting the recurve almost every day and I have one stand setup that will be a blind so i have been shooting some out of a blind sitting down.These are my groups at 15 and 20 yds from a sitting position.I have pics of bucks feeding in front of this blind from 10 to 25 yds so hope they keep at it when season comes in.

Go out and just shoot one arrow. Pick your spot and concentrate 100%. Nothing else matters but that spot. That makes your practice more realistic. Your shooting great!! Keep it up.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Taylor I have really enjoyed shooting this recurve all summer. I have been shooting my first arrow with a broadhead every time out and doing just that picking a spot. I am excited to get out and try and take a deer with it this season.


Senior Member
Thanks Taylor I have really enjoyed shooting this recurve all summer. I have been shooting my first arrow with a broadhead every time out and doing just that picking a spot. I am excited to get out and try and take a deer with it this season.

The hardest part of shooting a recurve is practicing a lot.

The hardest part in my opinion of shooting a deer with a recurve is picking a spot. Anytime I decide to shoot one my mind is normally racing with thoughts about all kinds of things. But I know for sure the last 3 thoughts are in this order

1.bend your knees
2. Bend your waist
3. Pick a spot.

You can shoot great at a target all day long but when a deer comes in at 10 yards and you miss 90% of the time it's cuz you never picked a spot. I know I'm repeating myself but it's the most important thing. Pick a hair or a mark and burn a hole through it. It is hard for me to focus when I'm shooting a target. When I killed one of the does last year I hit her the first time in the liver. Didn't pick a spot. She stopped at 50 yards and I burnt a hole in her lung area sure enough I drilled it. Hell I couldn't hit a rinehart elk target at 50 yards lol but when you have enough focus your shooting increases drastically IMO.


Dignitary Member
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Taylor no 50 yd shots for me this year. LOL My comfort zone will be 25 yds this season which should be fine as I always seem to get deer that close or closer any further and I will just snap some pics as they go by out of my range which I am fine with doing. I have been shooting alot at tennis balls with judo points at all different distances which really has been a big help, a tip I got from Milo. And you are right it is hard to stay focused just shooting at a deer target all the time which I now understand when Milo told me to keep switching up and shooting at different yardages and targets such as the tennis balls. Thx for the tips and I will keep on shooting everyday till season rolls around and continue shooting then also.


Senior Member
I would never take a 50 yard shot. I only shot her again because she was mortally wounded but stopped again and allowed me to make 2 more holes in her. My dad lost a big one a few years back that he shot in the spine. He dropped it. Instead of shooting it again he walked up to it and it ran off. So from now on we put as many holes in them as we can lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just finished up shooting for the evening and my 20 and 25 yd groups are real good but cant seem to get my 30 in there as good.Will keep at it but if season was here tomorrow i would be most comfortable at 25 and under which i am totally satisfied with and would be really happy if i get a crack at one under that.Also does anyone of you have any suggestions for what works best for waterproofing feathers. uploadfromtaptalk1409529225198.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409529239834.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409529262685.jpg


Tatonka guide.
Just finished up shooting for the evening and my 20 and 25 yd groups are real good but cant seem to get my 30 in there as good.Will keep at it but if season was here tomorrow i would be most comfortable at 25 and under which i am totally satisfied with and would be really happy if i get a crack at one under that.Also does anyone of you have any suggestions for what works best for waterproofing feathers.View attachment 23640View attachment 23641View attachment 23642
If your hunting in wet weather I would just get a cat quiver..

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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X2! I have 2 catquivers out in the barn. If you can't find your's, I have a mini-cat and another with a backpack type deal. You are welcome to use either. Waterproofing only slows down the process, they will get wet if unprotected in a quiver.
And like Taylor said, pick a spot. Shooting tennis balls is easy because you are focusing on the small ball. I've never mastered spot picking on an animal, sometimes I could do it, other times I get tunnel vision and see the entire animal - that leads to big misses! :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I found mine Brock and appreciate the offer. Just getting excited to start the season and see if all this shooting this summer will pay off. Have been getting good at picking a spot but will see how that works out on a real deer.LOL


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Keep up the great shooting Brian! I would think 30 yard tight grouping would be a challenge for anyone....even ole Fred Bear hisself!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thx Ric. I am about as ready as im gonna be but will still keep at it.Just need season to get here but am really excited for this new challenge whether I score or not it should be a fun ride this year.


Dignitary Member
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uploadfromtaptalk1410891686158.jpguploadfromtaptalk1410891701814.jpguploadfromtaptalk1410891743733.jpguploadfromtaptalk1410891764813.jpguploadfromtaptalk1410891790940.jpg I guess I am as ready as I am going to be, these shots are my first shots of the day from 20 yds from the hayloft and on the ground shooting 4 blade Magnus Stingers. Like Taylor told me its the first shot that counts so am happy with these. Have put in more time shooting this year than I ever have and am excited to get out and try and get one with the recurve.
I also installed some beaver balls string silencers and really like the way they help quiet it down.I have played around with my brace height and have it where I like and also just finished up installing and spinning broadheads and putting wraps and fletching on a dozen shafts. Bring on the season and I hope I get a chance to try it out on one.
Oh and I go with the blue color fletching cause being color blind I see it best it really stands out for me.