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Shoulder hits


Dignitary Member
Staff member
the kill zone on a whitetail buck deer is freakin huge. i find it funny some think that they have to shoot dime sized groups at them. While that is fantastic, it is not completely necessary. you have the better part of 10-12 inches behind that shoulder that is perfectly suitable to kill a whitetail... the whitetail is a fantastic bowhunting animal. thin skin and huge kill zone...perfect

I agree, Except for when the animal is at a hard angle and the vitals shrink.. This is the reason I shoot arrows that are 9.5 gpi with small 100 GR fixed blade heads.. You will never hear me say, he just wouldn't turn, it was a bad angle, or He didn't give me a shot.. There is no sneaking nothing here.. If any part of the vitals are in the open. Then settle the pin and punch the hole..

Smaller groups come into play when shooting smaller heads at difficult angles.

For example... Would you shoot this deer?

I would..... ;)



Tatonka guide.
grouping have more of an effect at longer ranges..id say 99% of bowhunter out there can mostly stack them in there at the range you post in the pic...and yes i'd shoot...about 6 vertebra back from mid shoulder...:smiley_bril:


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
1horn I would suggest you take the OBA Bowhunter Education course. It's free and a very good learning tool


*Hims a Super Moderator*
1horn I would suggest you take the OBA Bowhunter Education course. It's free and a very good learning tool

Do they offer anything about x-bows - i would be glad to teach an advanced course on kill'n stuff wif a x-bow - jus sayn

Tuffelhundin passed my course a couple years at Stumps arrah school - a few others also attended but didn't graduate - it wuz too hard fo dem - dang

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*Supporting Member III*
Do they offer it in Florida?!? ;)

I aim center mast up and down, then come back off the crease about 4". It might no be "perfection", but it's damned lethal!!!

Ouch. Damn it.:smiley_blackeye: In my mind I am a buckeye (I lived in Cincy), just transplanted to Mickey land. That shot was almost enough to make me buy a house in OH. I am a part of the small crowd that actually leaves Florida to vacation in Ohio. The only other part of that crowd is my two brothers. I'll take corn fields over manicured shrubs any day. You got me, Jesse. Well played. (oh, and thanks for the aiming advice...I'll take it.)


*Supporting Member*
I am a part of the small crowd that actually leaves Florida to vacation in Ohio. The only other part of that crowd is my two brothers.

I was hoping no one would find us out and that they would think you killed that gator in Columbus.


Junior Member
If you can hit a paper plate, you can kill a deer. Atleast thats what a wise ol man that has killed hundreds of deers told me once. So now when I practice I try to get my groups atleast the size of a paper plate (12 inches).


Removed by Request.
If you can hit a paper plate, you can kill a deer. Atleast thats what a wise ol man that has killed hundreds of deers told me once. So now when I practice I try to get my groups atleast the size of a paper plate (12 inches).

That's what Larry Wise says.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I agree, Except for when the animal is at a hard angle and the vitals shrink.. This is the reason I shoot arrows that are 9.5 gpi with small 100 GR fixed blade heads.. You will never hear me say, he just wouldn't turn, it was a bad angle, or He didn't give me a shot.. There is no sneaking nothing here.. If any part of the vitals are in the open. Then settle the pin and punch the hole..

Smaller groups come into play when shooting smaller heads at difficult angles.

For example... Would you shoot this deer?

I would..... ;)


I would take that shot without hesitation. Take out one lung and the heart, she aint going far.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
If you can hit a paper plate, you can kill a deer. Atleast thats what a wise ol man that has killed hundreds of deers told me once. So now when I practice I try to get my groups atleast the size of a paper plate (12 inches).

Doesn't seem to be a question of "hitting a deer" but, there is always a but you know. More of where to hit a deer! A pie plate on the butt od a deer is not a very well placed shot! :smiley_chinrub:


Tatonka guide.
Doesn't seem to be a question of "hitting a deer" but, there is always a but you know. More of where to hit a deer! A pie plate on the butt od a deer is not a very well placed shot! :smiley_chinrub:
it is if you were aimin there:smiley_brancard::smiley_coolpeace:


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I understand the logic of hitting the plate, and while I don't agree with it, I'm not saying its flawed either. Bowhunting mature bucks is hard enough as it is. Simply being happy with hitting a plate at 20-30 yards and that's it, limits what you can do. I have no problem with that for someone like Randy. He hunts the way he hunts and that's cool to me. But for my own personal hunting, I want to be able to thread the needle and hit golf balls at 40+ yards. The investment in the equipment, all the time tinkering and practicing, is all a way for me to level the playing field a little. Not to mention I get a certain satisfaction out of putting 3 arrows in a cup at 50 yards! :D


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I agree, Except for when the animal is at a hard angle and the vitals shrink.. This is the reason I shoot arrows that are 9.5 gpi with small 100 GR fixed blade heads.. You will never hear me say, he just wouldn't turn, it was a bad angle, or He didn't give me a shot.. There is no sneaking nothing here.. If any part of the vitals are in the open. Then settle the pin and punch the hole..

Smaller groups come into play when shooting smaller heads at difficult angles.

For example... Would you shoot this deer?

I would..... ;)


Looks like a perfect angle to me, yes I would and have many times already.