The law portion was the only thing I found interesting. All the rest of the class was old news to me when I took it years ago.
The range time requirements were also disappointing. I’m not suggesting everyone should qualify to the “bullseye club” but comonman. Center mass at 6 foot???
How about 2-3 or 500 rounds just so you get
To know the gun if your new or can’t qualify right out of the gate.
I have taught both my daughters how to load, shoot and clear everything from a muzzle loader to AR and AK’s, revolvers to semi auto handgun’s, as well as a can of wasp spray that shoots 18’ but when they bring up getting a CCW, I tell em “when your as comfortable with that gun as you are that cell phone… then it’s time.”
Times being what they are, new shooters are always welcome but get some ammo and shoot so you get comfortable with it before strapping it on an going to the mall.