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Something Strange


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I went and put my cam out Monday and on the way back to the woods my trail cam starts clicking off pics lol. I decided today to go get the cam before the squirrel hunters found it or the people that belong to the vegetation comes looking lol.

Anyway I thought it was funny and I have decided not to return to this section of the woods for awhile lol.



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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The county has hit the growers hard this year by pulling 40k plants already. I wondered why the deer out here looked the way they do..now I know lol. Wonder how many stoned deer are running around out there this year :D.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
At first I thought that black thing was moving in it but looks like the camera shifted it.....I think its a good idea that you pulled that because those farmers don't like attention


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
At first I thought that black thing was moving in it but looks like the camera shifted it.....I think its a good idea that you pulled that because those farmers don't like attention

Your not kiddin. I figure I will just abandon that woods lol. The last thing I need to do is have a run in with the tender while entering or exiting the woods to go hunting. They seem to shoot first and ask questions later and I don't need to questions asked lol.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
OR ! you could cut the plants and hide them and hide your camera and catch their reaction on video!

Would probably be a good video lol. The thing is they probably won't have to big a fit...the growers NEVER put all their eggs in one basket. I'm sure they have more spread out in other places around the area. Heck..it might have been guys I caught on my trail cam a little while back. The only problem is they walked down the trail so I only have pics of their backs lol.


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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Too bad the idiots didn't show their face....dang....just judging from their clothes and appearance they might be farmers lol

I'm just happy they didn't steal my cam lol. They didn't come back on this trail so they did a big U through the woods. There isn't any other bow hunters besides dante and myself out there so, I figure they was looking for places to setup for fall Turkey or for deer gun season or pot farmers lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did you find those anywhere near the muck, Adam? If so, that's some fertile cheeba growin' ground. :D Could be some mexican herb... with all the migrants down that way.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I find it on our lease quite often. You have two options.. What I prefer to do is this.... I know a local who in reality could be the very person doing it, although i could never prove that.. I simply tell him I don't care, I'm not calling anyone.. Just if it's his, I want it moved off our lease. I then tell hm in conversation where I found it... When I leave i know i don't have to worry about it anymore and it will be gone... 1. If it's his he'll move it because he knows I know where it is... 2. If it isn't his he'll steal it... Either way it's gone...

Since this is public I suggest this... I'm sure you know a shifty local.. Pay him a visit and tell him where it is... A Pot growers worst enemy isn't the cops.. It's other growers or people stealing it.. Once his farm gets stolen he will never plant there again. Problem solved..

Also Red you shouldn't have anything to worry about hunting there.. By opening day of deer it will be gone and the grower nowhere to be seen.. However the problem will be this, if nothing happens and he is successful, he will plant it again next year in the same spot.

The second option is to just call the law.. The reason we prefer not to do this down in vinton county is this.. Despite being a shifty local, that guy is good for deer sightings.. Plus he's a better friend than a cabin burning, truck tire slashing enemy..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
" AAaaaaaaDdddddude You were so waisted.... AAAAaaawhere did we plant the seedds mmaaan :smiley_carnaval:

Once while hunting in Florida I found a "grove" w/ bushes/saplings over 8 ft.Ther must have been 25-30 plants
First I thought waoah! then I got spooked cause I was out in no mans land and what if they came along and found me....
I backed out and left the area.

Ya just never know...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Not up near the muck JB...If it was I would know it was good stuff straight from Mexico lol.

It's on private property I hunt here in the county and borders some pretty much abandoned city property. I'm not sure if it is one of the landowners tenets that he rents the other 2 houses out to or one of the other locals from the trailor court out here in the country lol. The trailor court has had it's share of residents caught more then once growing plants down the road from them lol.

You think it will be harvested in the next few weeks Jack ? Something else that goes with my already stated worries is that I could be walking out of there from squirrel hunting, checking cams, or hanging a stand and with my luck the GW or a sheriff deputy would be passing along and stop to talk. The plants are only about 30' from the road for crying out loud lol. I can see them from the pull off now that I know where they are plus you can smell them if the wind blows just right lol. I just think that would cause too much BS and drama to even be worth the deer on this property lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
RC- Jacks answer makes sense. Call it in. It'll be gone by deer season either way. I would hate to see a good hunting area this fall be lost due to a problem today.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Only problem with calling something like this in is if it's a local grower you know he is watching his stuff lol. He will know who is coming and going and with the limited people that have probably been in there the past few weeks will be pretty easy for him to figure out who was the last vehicle in there before the sheriff shows up. Grrr..I hate finding myself in a spot like this lol. Damned if you don't damned if you do lol.

I'm also pretty sure if it was to get called in the person isn't going to be very happy. I don't know what a pound goes for anymore since I'm not around people that do it anymore ( Almost all my old high school classmates ) but I'm pretty sure it hasn't gone down in price lol. I figure with the cost of living,demand, and risk of growing has pushed the price up over the past 14 years lol. Back in the day it was about 1k per pound so I figure it has to be pushing the 2k mark by now heck might be a little more then that IDK. I'm not sure how many say 10-15 plants can produce but it has to be a good amount of cash he would be out.
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