Well... good hunt so far, nice up and commer rolled into shanktown just like the script says. Not real hard to pass him, but it is the last day of my bowhunting '24.
Shooter rolled up with two forks, shot him clean pass thru at 14yds. Waiting 30. Stopped and was looking at the licking branch.
14 yds, mid thoracic quarting away, ran maybe 60 yrds, stopped, he might have fallen there can't see with binos.
Felt and looked good at the time. Sitting here thou... all kinds of thoughts assailing good feelings!!
Dint miss.
Great stand.
Fell where I thought. Love those 50 yd shot to animal tracking jobs. Good shot for the angle, exit on this side.
He surprised me, great hunt, nice buck, not P&Y which is my yearly goal on the farm but for the bucks in daylight on my farm one of bigger three. The others get a chance to grow. This fella will be joining us for Xmas dinner.
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