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Team 12

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Sucks about your truck, Epe. Even worse she had no insurance! Seen nothing from blind this am but bumped a good one walking out at 10:30. Waiting on a call, but I think I may be taking my bow out for the 1st time in the morning. I sure am looking forward to it if I can make it happen!


Kirtland, Ohio
Well boys I had an awesome night in the woods last night. Had 9 doe underneath me for about 50 minutes fighting with each other over a little bit of corn that I had laid out. I kept waiting for one of my shooter to come and finally I turned around and there was a beautiful 8 about 60 yards out. He never came close enough for a shoot and left with two does that ran by him. I see the seeking stage right now and hope the chasing kicks in soon. This morning I went out and had a small seven bed 15 yards away but with high winds thats about all I saw. I quickly grabbed the card from my spy point and the buck walked by my stand 10 minutes before I was in it this morning….. Good news is that I got another new buck on the hit list so hopefully I can get the job done in the morning.



Senior Member
Good luck with them...Saw two bucks yesterday morning, one being a shooter 8pt. Nothing last night, or this morning...Have seen 3 does this evening, but not in range....


Junior Member
I have been seeing little ones starting to push some does just no big ones yet. Saw 10 does and fawns feeding in the clover this evening and one little buck came out and started pushing one of the does around a little then walked off.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Shot my buck for the season Fri evening while hunting with my son.

Not sure if I'll shoot a doe or not. It depends on how involved my daughter gets in the coming weeks. Good luck to all!


Junior Member
I hunted washington county this am saw seven does and fawns, then Meigs this afternoon saw six does and fawns. Still have some vacation days left probably going to save them for next week.


Coshocton, OH
I picked up 5 points for for us for youth bonus today. Took a landowners son out and he got his first doe. He was pumped. It was pretty cool.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I'm done for the season. I ended up filling my antlerless tag on a bb during gun. Won't be adding any points for it due to an emergency at work and being in a hurry I never got a pic. Sorry. I'll add my buck and youth points to the tally when things slow down a little. Congrats to all that were successful and good luck to anybody still hunting!