Whats going on guys? Havent hunted as much as I would of liked lately. Last time I hunted my property was Tgiving morning. I was sick the rest of the weekend and part of the following week. I repositioned my camera a week before Tgiving hoping to get better pictures. I haven't touched it since I set it up. This past weekend I hunted at Tall Chads place. No bucks seen. Anyways, I went back out to the property last night to drop some corn and change out my cards. My pile was empty so it needed it for sure. I also set up a new camera on an old spot that Ill hit when its balls cold out. Ill be sitting inside of a barn staying out of the elements. LOL Im a pussy when it comes to cold weather, seizes my back up something fierce. Got back to my truck to check the cards.
New buck on the property. The day this was taken was that really windy weekend we had. Sick to my stomach that I wasn't there. This is the only picture I have of him. That camera hasn't taken a picture since 11-26. Gonna stay off the property for a bit, let things settle down before I go back out. I sure hope he survived gun week.
New buck on the property. The day this was taken was that really windy weekend we had. Sick to my stomach that I wasn't there. This is the only picture I have of him. That camera hasn't taken a picture since 11-26. Gonna stay off the property for a bit, let things settle down before I go back out. I sure hope he survived gun week.