Thanks.Yes that was a nice buck the Fluteman bagged.It is a long season and just get out and enjoy it when your able.I have really enjoyed taking Casey out as i seem TOO get just about as excited as he does.I will have plenty of time too hunt in November so am really enjoying this.TOO any of you other Toozer's out there if you have a kid around that is able to go out with you try and take the time to do it.You wont regret it and well worth giving up some of our own hunting time to just see the excitement they get out of it.Wow your friend don't know how lucky he is to have a guy like yourself as a friend, I applaud you for your kindness. Good luck.
I have not had the opportunity to hunt yet but after Fluety killed his buck Monday it got me itching really bad. Im starting to get things together, and hopefully maybe sometime soon, I will find time to sit in a tree.
Man that suck's.That is one reason why i did'nt bother going besides being busy.If they do it again next year i will be skipping that weekend out over the weekend and i will be damned if i didnt have a 130" 8 point walk by and a huge 12 point at 10 yards going to be back at it this weekend trying to let the hoyt eat