Things have been so hectic with family and hospitals lately, I havent had a chance to get on a whole lot, except lunchtime at work. Gun season was a blast with my buddy's. We ran a lot of deer around once we started pushing midweek. I usually push darn near all the time, mainly so it gets done right, and i usually know when/where I will jump deer from. On thursday after one push, I decided I was gonna sit the next one because it's just a small 2 acre briar patch along the road with a couple treelines going out the back. We hadnt been seeing any of our target bucks, which is basically all our group (5-6 guys) was after. At the last minute I said fugg it and decided to push instead. Well, sure enough we finally see a shooter. It's a supert tall, narrow tined 11 point we've watched. He walks right out at the back and stands broadside at 75 yards for my buddy. Sure enough, he misses him twice and he runs for the hills into the promised land (sanctuary) across the road. We later found out his gun was about 8" high at 40 yards:smiley_armscrossed:. We had a couple more chances throughout the week at some shooters bo no one connected. I personally never pulled the trigger other than at some running coyotes at some great distances. We did see more yote than I can ever remember. In all, our group took 2 small 8 points and 4 does. Yesterday I started dropping of some corn and pumpkins near 1 of my stands. Tomorrow Im gonna pile some more of each around there