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Team 3


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Daaaaymn! That super wide 8 looks awesome! Good luck with him! He has to be close to 28 on the outside!

Sorry to see that nice dead buck! Glad you guys found him though...
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hope you get a crack at the wide one! Nice!

Got great news which was a surprise. My wife switched out her Saturday with a girl at work so I could hunt the opening morning. I told her yesterday not to worry about it and I would survive. God love her! What a woman!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
thanks for the good luck wishes Beentown, Redcloud, and Hoytmania. Same to you guys.

Just about ready to hit the shower, smoke up, and venture into the deer woods for the first time. Aaaahhhh. Life is good today. Good luck fellas!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Good luck fellas. Just got off work and headed home to climb in bed.

Don't know for sure yet, but the muzzy weekend may be the first time I get out.

Be safe out there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Way to go Bigten!

I had a parade of 6 bucks in hard horn but still in a bachelor group come thru yesterday. 3 basket racks, 1 probably 2.5 or just a stud 1.5, one old man with huge body but no tine length, and one I really wish I got a better look at. He is the only one that excited me and naturally the only one who didnt hang out. I need a better look at his body and rack before I decide on him. If he is younger (and I feel this might be the case) then he walks. I would shoot the old man first despite he fact the old man probably wont score 120" as a 10pt.

Later I had two buttons come thru together as well. Makes me nervous. Not a doe to be seen.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Nice job bigten! Yesterday I had a big doe with a bb fawn eating at my bait for around 5 minutes. Usually the wide 9 or tank the big 8pt show up just after. Not this time. I worked yesterday afternoon so no evening hunt. I sat a different stand this morning. At 6:15 this morning 5-6 deer crossed beans in front of me back into the thicket. A small buck fed out in front of me for around 20 minutes right at sunrise. Then around 9 a.m. a doe fed about 100yards out. Back out tonight


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Way to get us started BT! Sounds like you guys had some great sighting this weekend, and that's great!

I got my first hunt in this morning, and I was only at it for ten minutes! I pulled in the driveway @ 0710 this morning, and saw two does out back behind my building. Walked in the house and straight to the kitchen window and saw that there was in fact four deer (two does, two fawns) feeding out back, two just behind the building, and two at my mineral site. My bow was in the building, but decided to put the sneak on and make an attempt to grab my bow and possibly get a shot off. I managed to keep the building between me and the does feeding behind it, while the other two caught me opening up the building doors. Figuring I was already screwed, I grabbed my bow, stuck an arrow on, and stepped out from the building. With rangefinder in hand, I lasered the biggest doe at 66 yards, TOO far to risk a shot. Hung out for a few minutes before they worked into the woodline and headed away. I was pretty excited to get my first "hunt" in of the year, and I didn't even have to leave the back yard to do so! If my bow would have been in the house, I could have easily snuck out and popped the biggest doe. Lesson learned, bow is hanging in my man cave now!